UPDATE ON FREEWILL’S LEGAL FIGHT NOVEMBER 4originally published October 18th
I’ve seen speculation and wreckless commentation on the matter posted on this site. These serve no helpfull purpose.
Some have asked for clarification and details. Some have inquired into the nature of the so-called “charges” against Freewill. It’s clear that there are a great many of Americans who haven’t yet stepped out of the box to see matters for what they really are, but continue to view and discuss matters in terms and viewpoints drilled into our heads from childhood by the de facto government.
Before anyone ever inquires into the details of a charge, first, evaluate whether a crime has been committed, period, to know whether the charge is falsified or even fraudulent. This goes for anyone, anywhere; and in the de facto government’s false courts which ignore the Constitution and which uphold color of law in place of natural and common laws, it’s of paramount importance. By law, a crime cannot exist in absence of an injured party, a victim. Get this fact past all the de facto‘s mental programming and etch it in your memory. This fact has been true since the beginnings of law, thousands of years before our time. There is no, I repeat, NO injured party to have filed the present claims against Freewill. The “charges” against Freewill, in absence of an injured party, are mere CLAIMS against him, claims under maritime law, claims which are unlawfull and constitute fraud; it doesn’t matter what the “charges” are if no victim exists, be they motor vehicle code violations (as in Freewill’s ongoing cases) or collecting rain water for clean drinking water (yes, there are “charges” being allowed in the courts to victimize those who simply seek to exercise the natural right to gather rain water for their own use). There are NO contracts in existence upon which to base the claims, a fact which fits the definition of fraud; furthermore, the claimant, THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, is a bankrupt corporation, DEAD legally, and the DEAD cannot file legal claims, based on the very fact that NO dead man or woman has ever risen from the grave to step into a court to file a claim. In fact, every bankrupt entity MUST DISCLOSE THE FACT OF ITS BANKRUPT STATUS BEFORE ENTERING INTO ANY CONTRACT, so that the contracted party is made aware of the fact that the bankrupt entity cannot be relied upon to produce assets and/or monies upon demand for compensation under terms of the contract (meaning, if you’re going to contract with a bankrupt entity, get your compensation up front, and don’t execute your side of the contract until you’ve received said compensation to your satisfaction). Moreover, ONLY a trustee of the 1933 bankruptcy can speak in any courtroom on behalf of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and any and all of its franchises, subsidiaries, employees and agents, to include THE STATE OF MICHIGAN; ANY PROSECUTOR WHO STANDS AND SPEAKS ON BEHALF OF THESE BANKRUPT ENTITIES COMMITS FELONY CRIMES, INCLUDING IMPERSONATION OF TRUSTEES OF THE 1933 BANKRUPTCY, AND ANY JUDGE WHO ALLOWS THE IMPERSONATION TO CONTINUE ONCE POINTED OUT COMMITS FELONY CRIMES, CRIMES INCLUDING TREASON, A CAPITAL CRIME, PUNISHABLE BY IMMEDIATE HANGING IN THE NEAREST STREET INTERSECTION.With NO victim, and thus no crime, there is NO lawfull basis for imprisonment of Freewill.
Freewill’s stint in the facilities of CRAWFORD COUNTY JAIL has come to an end. Two cases remain open, cases in which THE STATE OF MICHIGAN agents have filed illegal claims. The agents decreased their ransom demands when it became apparent that Freewill would not submit to them and their liability for false imprisonment was quickly racking up into the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars in damages. Freewill’s friends paid enough of the demanded amount to get Freewill released from captivity in CRAWFORD COUNTY JAIL facilitites. The same day, agents for BAY COUNTY SHERIFF “arrested” (kidnapped according to bona fide law) Freewill to hold him for ransom in BAY COUNTY JAIL facilities on virtually identical claims, again filed by agents for THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, including JUDGE DAWN A KLIDA, Judge Dawn A Klida, Dawn Klida, KURT C ASBURY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, Kurt C Asbury Prosecuting Attorney, and Kurt Asbury. According to a source close to Freewill, at the arraignment hearing the following day, Oct. 16th, the presiding Judge, a Judge who Freewill has faced in the past and put in her lawfull place, a Judge who wanted a piece of Freewill afterward but had her hands tied, a Judge who wanted to take advantage of holding Freewill captive to prevent him from accessing documents to stand up to her again as she intended to stick it to him, Judge Dawn A Klida, decided or was instructed to remove herself from the case, either to limit her personal liability in the matter and/or the liability of her employer in the matter. It’s unknown at present which of Bay County’s Judges will consent to commit crimes by proceeding as party to fraud at the pre-trial hearing in mid-November. The Judges and Prosecutors in Bay County are fully aware of the very real likelihood of being added as defendants to Freewill’s federal lawsuit, as well as the very real possibility of being arrested for felony crimes at the pre-trial hearing should they proceed with their intended activities. It’s obviously a game to them, akin to poker. They do want their payday if they can get it. The question is, do they have the constitution to face the music should they be caught red-handed executing a fraudulent claim and engaging in additional felony crimes, or will they choose, wisely, to drop their proceedings and release Freewill from unlawfull captivity whilst the damages they’ve inflicted upon him are relatively manageable?
(As of the arraignment hearing, the Bay County court’s ransom demand was lowered to $5000. We’re hopefull that this demand will decrease again, soon, as the full scope of what’s being brought to bear on the judge and prosecutor becomes clearer to them; I, however, cannot speak for these individuals, only they can. Our position in being able to meet the present demand is insufficient.)
With NO trustee of the 1933 bankruptcy present to evaluate THE STATE OF MICHIGAN’s claim for legality, THE STATE OF MICHIGAN and its agents, the Bay County Judge, the Bay County Prosecutor, and the Bay County Sheriff all stand in contempt of court, in contempt of Constitution, and in treason. Freewill’s imprisonment is unlawfull, aka false imprisonment. False imprisonment, in conjunction with demand for payment for the prisoner’s freedom, is no different than kidnapping and holding for ransom. These felony crimes committed and being committed by THE STATE OF MICHIGAN employees, in accordance with corporate [internal] policy, as well as in violation of corporate policy proclaimed to be statutes, proclaimed to be law under color of law, are the crimes we all need to be investigating, learning, and prosecuting. That which has been lodged against Freewill is nothing more than a smokescreen, a ruse, an excuse to drag the man through the de facto‘s money making machine. If you don’t see it that way, you have a lot to learn about the system of slavery we’re caught up in, and i strongly suggest you look into how THE DUTCH EAST INDIA TRADING COMPANY, and THE VIRGINIA TRADING COMPANY, conducted themselves in foreign lands, for these corporations are the precursors to corporation THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and all have a long history of invading foreign lands to get rid of the rightfull rulers/governors and leave in place corporate employees who masqueraded as government to enslave the free peoples and rape both the peoples and their lands of wealth and virtue, for profit. This literally is the system we are being subjected to at this very moment, a centuries-old crime spree.
The de facto government has engaged in a long standing campaign, reorganized in the period 1778-1791, when THE VIRGINIA TRADING COMPANY set itself up as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, to distort our perception of and understanding of everything which goes on around us as the corporation worked to covertly enslave us all, and exploit us as well as our bountifull lands. This was accomplished behind closed doors, over years, with keen sense of caution to move slowly enough that we didn’t see their movements going on right before our very eyes; but sum it up, two+ centuries of baby steps, and we see a colossal enslavement and pillaging scheme, with trillions in profits going to the criminals who executed the scheme. We all feel something is wrong in how the de facto conducts itself. But to put it into words, to picture it in our minds, results in conflicting images- conflict which arises by virtue of the mental programming we’ve all been subjected to at the hands of the de facto goverment’s agents and minions, and, sad to say, at the hands of our own parents, who simply have been raised as victims of the same mental programming campaign. This campaign has been conducted over many generations since that time, with the hope that our elders buy into it in their youth and teach it to us as we grow up, with the hope that this self-perpetuating brainwashing sustains itself and requires little maintenance, with the hope that the public school system can be exploited to reinforce the propaganda (any public school which refuses as a matter of principle simply is cut off from funding, or even shut down, putting the school’s employees out of work and out of retirement pensions), and with the hope that the extensive purchase of mass media sources and facilities and their use in augmenting the propaganda is sufficient to counter the information revolution ushered in by the internet. The propaganda is aimed at keeping us focused on, thinking in terms of, and perceiving our experiences and interactions with the de facto government, as benign, cumbersome at times, but necessary. The propaganda system never admits or allows information which accurately portrays the de facto government- when has a public school teacher ever taught his/her students that THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporation, a corporation which is acting as our government until the day that we decide to dismiss the corporation and resume de jure governance of ourselves? When has any of the de facto goverment ever informed any of us that it is a foreign nationality, operating on our nation’s soil, and we have the right to shut it down and deport its employees at any time? When has any of the de facto government ever informed any of us that it conducts itself under maritime law, ON LAND, illegally, by virtue of having declared that everything physically above land is water (in direct contradiction of reality and truth), and thus falls under maritime law? When has any of the de facto government ever presented full documentation to any of us regarding its creation, licensing, mission, and policies for both acting as government and relinquishing governance to us at our demand?
The more of us who learn this information and explore it further, the more of us who decide to help flesh out the details, and the more of us who decide to put the information to use to dismiss the de facto goverment’s leadership and minions and repopulate the elected offices with people not beholden to the BAR and other foreign nationals, the sooner we can reassert de jure governance, government of, by and for the men and women who wish to live free on these lands, free from debtor slavery, free from unlawfull control, free to breathe clean air, free to grow and eat clean and natural foods, free to gather and drink clean water, free from living in a police state, free from all the corruption and crime in our government, free of all the wrongs done in our name on lands afar, free to raise ourselves up and raise up those around us, if they want, to make a better world.