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100% Proof Illuminati Faked David Bowie’s Death

Sunday, January 17, 2016 4:18
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Did the Illuminati music puppet David Bowie faked his death to reap in millions in royalties ? Bowie an occultist followed the teachings Aleister Crowley and his music was filled with Masonic Illuminati predictive programming. A Facebook page commemorating Bowies death appeared two days before his death. To be in Hollywood one must have Nazi bloodlines Nazi’s are know for forging papers faking deaths the Music Industry works the same way. This script has played out in movies like Velvet Goldmine.


This was Bowie’s last promo pic he’s laughing his ass off cause he’s about to fake his death ! 

A week after his death, David Bowie posthumously reached a new high on the Billboard 200 as his new LP ‘★’ (pronounced ‘Blackstar’) 


Bowies last song is vey esoteric in nature the term Blackstar is known in Masonic folklore as the Black sun between the pillars of Freemasonry, the Black Star aka Nibiru also known as Planet x



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Total 6 comments
  • I see not 100% proof of anything and he was 69 after all and not 42 so he had his three score years and ten minus just one.

    What i did not like about him was that he was queer and i think the elite picked these people out a long time ago to promote there gay agenda in the 1980 but apart from that his music was good and he seemed to do his own thing.

    Freedy Mercury and Elton Jhon are two more examples with Elton being the worse out them all

  • Yes M15 actor Bowie’s whole life was scripted … including all his various personas … and his “death” … he never wrote any songs … they were written for him … he even appeared in a tv documentary in the 70s about him in the UK, showing him supposedly writing songs by cutting up random newspaper articles and putting random pieces together … how he and his handlers must have laughed at the gullible fans believing that!!!! He was shrewd and businesslike all his life despite supposedly having taken every drug! He was an important part of M15′s design to destroy young people by being the worst role model ever and the dug experimentation he recommended and supposedly (actually never) practiced himself, resulted in many people ending up in mental hospitals for the rest of their lives. Not to mention many dying. He never caught AIDS despite supposedly having acted very immorally with both men and women in the 70s! No no no something is wrong with EVERYTHING we are told about him.
    We must now be like people in the former USSR and turn everything we are told, around 180 degrees, to reach the truth.
    We are TOLD Bowie was a free spirit, drug taking, musically proficient genius. Yea right.
    In FACT he was a CIVIL SERVANT who licked the boots of his masters even performing the Laughing Gnome when he was told to. He NEVER wrote music, could just about sing and play a few chords enough to perform what he was given. He NEVER took drugs and there is something dodgy about all the people claiming he slept with them … it doesn’t add up … nothing does with Mr David Robert Jones … and even that may not be his correct name … everything is a lie around this man …

  • And regarding you saying David Bowie’s brother’s death was announced in the press two days before it happened, here is an interesting web link:

    M15 runs the music industry in England. Looks like David’s brother is alive and well, and is sure enough of not being recognised that he appeared as a “music company executive” to discuss his brother on sky tv news.

  • Read the Allies of Humanity. They speak about this new their Briefings to alert our Race.

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