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As we do not give dates, we can assure you that this is forth coming to happen soon. You will experience a momentous and glorious event of light where there will not be darkness or night time for several days on your surface. This is not the fear based illusion which your government keeps spreading propaganda about, to create fear in many about 15 days of darkness; this will be an event of Light beyond all illusions, as will be experienced by all through the unconditional love of the Universe for all beings. This will be perfect for us to make our announcements and introduction thereafter.
In the last few days, have seen a unusual late sunset glow in the sky, that does not come from the direction of the sun… there may or may not be a connection… it is unusual and not only seen by me, another person with me, could perceive it too.
Another Glorious Event Of Light, at least he’ll use a suppository … and lit !!
Come on Mohican … this is getting monotonous …
I like how you “don’t give dates” so you can never be wrong. I’ll give you one year, then call you out