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Rape Epidemic In Europe: Why Won’t European Politicians Do Anything To Stop It?

Sunday, January 17, 2016 6:39
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Rape Epidemic In Europe: Why Won’t European Politicians Do Anything To Stop It?

An epidemic of rape is sweeping all across Europe, and yet European politicians seem almost completely unwilling to stand up and do something about it.  In some major European cities, women are absolutely petrified to go out by themselves – especially at night.  Things have gotten so bad that some people are now making up entirely new words to describe what is going on.  Steve Quayle has labeled this crisis “rapeageddon“, and I think that fits.  Things are particularly bad in Germany, which has welcomed more refugees than any other European country in recent years.  If you can believe it, Germany opened the doors for 1.1 million “asylum seekers” last year.  That is an astounding number, and it is starting to have dramatic consequences for German society.

Just consider what happened in the city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve.  According to police, there were nearly 400 reports of groping, sexual assault, theft and rape.  The following comes from a column written by Cal Thomas

In the city of Cologne, what is being described as an “Arab sex mob” of as many as 1,000 men surrounded groups of women on New Year’s Eve. The men, who were identified as being of Arab or North African appearance, fondled and sexually harassed the women. One city councilor, Judith Wolter, said Cologne’s town center has recently become a “no-go” area for women because of a rise in crime in the area. The city accepted more than 10,000 predominantly Muslim refugees last year. More than 30 women lodged complaints of similar New Year’s assaults in Hamburg and Stuttgart.

The German media have been accused of covering-up this and other incidents and Chancellor Angela Merkel has been revealed as the ultimate wishful thinker for refusing to do anything until recently to stem the flow of migrants from Islamic countries.

Actually things were even worse than Thomas reported in his article.  According to the authorities, there were 133 crimes against women in the city of Hamburg on New Year’s Eve…

Police in the northern German city of Hamburg said Sunday they have recorded 133 cases of offences including sexual assaults allegedly committed against women during New Year’s celebrations.

Investigators have not identified any suspects for the assaults that allegedly took place at the port city’s party avenue Reeperbahn.

But victims have described the perpetrators as having “African, Arab, or south European appearance”, a police spokesman told AFP.

Needless to say, a lot of Germans are completely and totally fed up at this point.  Many Germans are now referring to these immigrants as “rapeugees”, and some Germans are even calling for Angela Merkel to resign.

The frightening thing is that some of these “refugees” actually do have allegiance to the Islamic State.  Here is just one example that was recently in the news

Over the weekend, some 1,700 people showed up for a PEGIDA rally where demonstrators held up signs carrying slogans such as “Rapeugees not welcome.” Some speakers at the event called for Merkel’s ouster.

Now, we learn that the man who last Thursday ran into a police station in northern Paris shouting “Allahu Akbar” and waving a meat cleaver spent time in a house for asylum seekers in Germany. That residence was raided on Saturday when German police, acting on a tip from French intelligence, stormed the building and found SIM cards, “documents” in Arabic, kitchen knives, and a banner reading “Islamic State forever” hanging in the kitchen.

And it isn’t just Germany that is experiencing an epidemic of immigrant violence.

In Sweden, violence against women has spiraled totally out of control.  But the Swedish media has been caught covering it up because they didn’t want to make Muslim immigrants look bad.  In recent days, the cover up of this violence against women has erupted into a huge scandal over there…

Nyheter Idag is now able to disclose in detail how major Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter deliberately covered up stories about widespread sexual abuse in central Stockholm in connection with a concert in the Kungsträdgården public square this August.

On Saturday August 15th, the nationally acclaimed and outspoken feminist artist Zara Larsson headlined the youth festival ‘We Are Sthlm” with a crowded concert in Kungsträdgården in central Stockholm. Thousands of young people were in attendance to take part in the event during the last summer nights of the year.

But for an unknown number of young girls the festival soon became a nightmare. Hordes of young men pressed against young girls, fondled and tried to cop a feel over and under skirts, pants and shirts. There were severe sexual assaults happening right in front of the stage, where artists such as Larsson and rapper OIAM performed.

In Sweden, this is something that has been building for years.  Once upon a time, it was one of the most crime-free nations in the world, but now that has totally changed.  According to Infowars, the number of rapes in that nation has risen by an astounding 1,472 percent since the mid-1970s…

Rapes in Sweden have skyrocketed by a shocking 1,472% since the mid-70’s, with 6,620 sexual assaults being reported to police in 2014 compared to just 421 in 1975.

77.6 percent of the country’s rapists are identified as “foreigners” (and that’s significant because in Sweden, “foreigner” is generally synonymous with “immigrant from Muslim country”), writes Selwyn Duke. “And even this likely understates the issue, since the Swedish government — in an effort to obscure the problem — records second-generation Muslim perpetrators simply as “Swedes.”

Other European nations are dealing with similar problems.  Just check out these numbers

In Norway, recent statistics revealed that 100 percent of violent street-rapes committed in the capital city of Oslo were committed by “non-western” immigrants. It’s a similar story in Denmark, where the majority of rapes are committed by immigrants, usually Muslim.

In England, it’s been rape after rape – tens of thousands of young British girls are brutalized, tortured, beaten and raped by organized gangs comprised almost exclusively of Muslims.

As the United States and Canada import thousands of these “refugees”, it is only a matter of time before similar things start happening here.

In fact, there was quite a chilling incident that happened in Calgary just the other day.  31-year-old Mohamed Elmi and 29-year-old Mohamed Salad have been charged with attempted murder for firing shots into a very busy Calgary nightclub

Two bouncers who tackled a gunman holding a cocked pistol after shots were fired into a busy Calgary nightclub early Sunday morning are being credited by police and witnesses with risking their own lives to prevent further trauma.

While a 38-year-old man in the club was struck by a bullet and taken to hospital in stable condition with serious soft-tissue injury to his upper torso, officials believe many more patrons could have been hurt if it weren’t for the quick-thinking doormen.

So why didn’t we hear about this attack by two Islamic gunmen on the news?

Could it be possible that just like the European media, the mainstream media in Canada does not want to make Islamic immigrants look bad?

It has gotten to the point where the extreme political correctness that exists in our society is actually endangering our safety.

We need to see the world the way that it really is, and not the way that we wish that it would be.

There is a price to be paid for importing vast numbers of violent Islamic immigrants that do not have any respect for us or for our way of life.

This is something that Germany and Sweden have already discovered, and if we are not very careful our women will soon be paying the price as well.

Michael T. Snyder is a graduate of the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia and has a law degree and an LLM from the University of Florida Law School. He is an attorney that has worked for some of the largest and most prominent law firms in Washington D.C. and who now spends his time researching and writing and trying to wake the American people up. You can follow his work on The Most Important News, The Economic Collapse blog, End of the American Dream and The Truth Wins. His new novel entitled “The Beginning Of The End” is now available on

The article Rape Epidemic In Europe: Why Won’t European Politicians Do Anything To Stop It? published by TheSleuthJournal – Real News Without Synthetics

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Total 6 comments
  • Because this is really a fight between good and evil, evil is taking over the earth.

    The new normal is rape, Jihad, and depopulation.

  • Because it hasn’t happened to the European Politicians or their Families (Yet).
    It needs to though so things will change fast!

  • When you allow garbage to pile up without rules or restrictions this happens. I say CASTRATE the bas…ds

  • Someone has an agenda, conveniently some country has a war and the EU achieves its dream of open borders. And if the media and Government decide to cover up the acts of criminals, that makes them criminals too. Media is there to report facts, Governments are there to serve their country, both are failing to do their jobs, instead wilfully lying to let rapists rape. Maybe the Governments and media are out raping too?

  • Western European men are fifi-wuss-pups. Only Russian and Russian-linked Eastern European men can save the Western European women from fates worse than death. Mass rapes from hordes of unwashed monkeys-without-tails invading from the South. Western European females should use their vote to invite Russian soldiers, under the strict leadership of Putin, to come to the rescue, as German men can only wear their sister’s under garments and hide under their mothers’ beds.

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