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Why You Should Stop Invoking Angels and Ascended Masters

Sunday, January 17, 2016 6:08
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by Ahtayaa Leigh
OM Times

If you connect with angels and ascended masters in your spiritual work, what I’m about to share may well shake your belief system to the core. Please hear me out though because what I’m going to reveal is critical to the purification of our collective consciousness. As we take the ascension process of planet Earth to the next level, the way we interact with spiritual forces needs to be addressed and adjusted.

If you invoke angels or ascended masters to assist you with healing or spiritual growth, I highly recommend you stop. Not because these beings don’t exist as they certainly do. Rather, when you call upon these higher dimensional beings you really have no control over who or what will actually respond. There are a plethora of entities that reside in the astral realm that don’t have your best interests at heart and are adept at deceiving you into believing they are the angel or ascended master you seek.

The truth is, as much as your ego would like to convince you otherwise, it’s difficult to differentiate between real and false light. These parasites and vampires are very clever at what they do since their survival depends on it! Their sole purpose is to feed off your energy of worship and admiration.


Have you noticed how many people there are right now claiming to be the reincarnation of Jesus, Archangel Michael, Mary Magdalene, or any one of the many popular angelic icons? There are literally hundreds of people claiming that they are the Jesus, the Archangel Michael or the Mary Magdalene. These people form elaborate identities and amass followings based on these facts. This is no less than a form of energy vampirism.
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