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An Expansive Consciousness

Saturday, March 11, 2017 0:03
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Consciousnessby Ernie Fitzpatrick

Most people are simply unaware of how fast and how far we have come as collective consciousness, let alone how fast things are set to exponentially explode in the years ahead. Like the “Frog In The Kettle“, we’re seemingly immune to the increased heat as the water heads to the boiling point. In the last 50-75 years, there have been so many advances is the understanding of human consciousness and a renaissance in the whole Jungian concept of a collective unconsciousness.

We are truly on our way to major and revolutionary jumps in consciousness. Are you game?

What was once on the fringes has now found acceptability. I’m talking about subject and concepts such as: hypnosis psychotherapy, rebirthing, Eastern mysticism, Spiritual shamanism, primal therapy, biofeedback, sensory deprivation, dream state, NDE, OBE, and many more. Who is to say what’s right, what’s wrong. They are all pieces of a very big puzzle.

We have no idea as to what major advances we are about to see in human consciousness. But the NDE (near death experiences) and thanatology advances are opening worlds of possibilities. The cumulative effect of where we’ve been and are headed, will definitely re-define life as we know it in a few short years.

Albert Einstein was a genius in so many ways; however, his view of the universe was so small compared to what we know today. Einstein developed the theory of relativity, but he saw the universe as static, unchanging. His view was that the universe was a large cloud of stars. How many he didn’t speculate.

What we know today is that our solar system is a small part of the Milky Way galaxy which is just one of FIFTY BILLION galaxies: each one with one hundred billion stars or more. We also know that the universe is not static but alive and expanding. But here is the big one. Our planet, our galaxy, and our universe is ALIVE- conscious.

Giorgio de Santillana, in his great book, Hamlet’s Mill said, “Man is unable to fit himself into the concepts of today’s astrophysics short of schizophrenia. Modern man is facing the inconceivable. Archaic man, however, kept a firm grip on the conceivable by framing within his cosmos an order of time and an eschatology that made sense to him and reserved a fate for his soul. Yet it was a prodigiously vast theory, with no concessions to merely human sentiments. It, too, dilated the mind beyond the bearable, although without destroying man’s role in the cosmos.”

We’re off and running. If only we knew where!


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