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By Christopher Watson
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The Crazy Antics of Our Insane “Leaders” – Just…Wow!

Saturday, March 11, 2017 8:47
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(Before It's News)

Just in case there was any lingering doubt in your mind that agents of government are suffering from mental derangement and moral sickness…and just in case you’ve forgotten about all the crazy crap they say and do…

Here’s  Brooklyn Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, using the floor of the House of Representatives to pay tribute to notorious drug dealer and disgusting rapper, Biggie Smalls, as he recited the lyrics to Biggie’s 1994 song “Juicy” in observance of the 20th anniversary of the rapper’s murder.

“It was all a dream, I used to read Word Up! magazine. Salt-n-Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine,” Jefferies said in a floor speech to fellow legislators.

In a ridiculous bid to pander to his voting base, Jeffries spoke of Biggie Smalls like he was a Great American hero or something.

If that’s not enough to shake the doubt from your mind that government hacks are seriously out of touch with reality, not to mention just plain stupid, let’s talk about Ms. Cruella Demented…good ole Skelator herself…gun grabbing Nazi Pelosi…who always looks like she’s perpetually witnessing the docking of the Hindenburg…like she’s pulling seven Gs in a wind tunnel test or something….who thinks that bills should be passed into law before people get a chance to look at them:

This woman, who’s head is thicker than a Charlie Sheen prenup, was the one who constantly asserted that Trump wouldn’t become president….This crazy woman, I mean so bat sh– crazy I’d be surprised she didn’t sleep upside down.  This woman was actually the speaker of the house and because she doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together she said that 500 MILLION Americans will lose their jobs EVERY month if we don’t get a recovery package.

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Total 5 comments

    • Nancy Pelosi probably has acquired CJD from her Luciferian luncheons. When she dies, her stromoporoidal brain can be used to scrub the House toilets.

  • Nancy Pelosi, like the scarecrow in Oz, not only resembles him but is also missing a brain.

    What about the US Rep from GA, Hank Johnson (Dem), who thought that if the US stationed 8000 Marines on one side of Guam, the island would capsize due to the uneven weight distribution.

    What about the US Rep from CA, Maxine Waters (Dem), who has NEVER made sense. The only thing she might be good for is to use her face to make gorilla cookies!

    What about the evil, self-serving baddies like D. P. Moynihan, (T)Ed Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, all of them subversives!

    The list is LARGE!!!

  • You should see some of the videos of George Boosh and be shocked at how stupid this fella was. Caused a war that maimed many of our young men and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis.

    And be embarrassed at many of the Negro sodomite Barry Saetoro videos installed as a your racist dicktator.

    I have come to the conclusion these people are disturbingly deranged and deluded fellows and I have NO IDEA what they are doing up there just as much as they do.

    You better start looking out for yourself America because these people are possibly PSYCHOPATHS that wish DEATH on you!!! :twisted:

  • They’re ALL Idiots in search of an answer !!! In Bush’s case I think the “W” must have actually meant Wasted , Worthless , Witless or “Who’s on first ?” !!! In Pelosi’s case she should be the “Poster Child” for Politicians with both SEVERE mental illness and SERIOUS Designer Drug Abuse… HER case I’m pretty sure that she MUST be snorting Draino crystals every chance that she gets !!!

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