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Videos Released! Jason Patrick & Jake Ryan Malheur Refuge Bundy Stand Surrender to FBI

Friday, March 3, 2017 19:28
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(Before It's News)

Lorie Kramer

Barbara Berg, a witness in round 2 of US vs Bundy et all in Portland, OR released her videos today of the moments that Jake Ryan and Jason Patrick turned themselves in at the FBI check point at Malheur Refuge in Harney County, Oregon. Ryan and Patrick are currently on trial in the round 2 case.

Barbara Berg on Jake Ryan and Jason Patrick:
I’m finally releasing these videos, I think the world needs to know we were scared for our lives. I was afraid Jake would be shot dead. They had killed LaVoy two days earlier with his hands in the air. I hoped by me being there & video taping it would hold them accountable, or at least be evidence if they did shoot him.

Both videos together

Jake Ryan 1/28/2016 7:03 am
Berg – “Video taping Jake Ryan walking through the FBI check point. It was so cold my hands were freezing. We did not trust them & thats why I video taped it.”

Original –

Jason Patrick walking to the roadblock.
Berg – “After picking Jason up on Sod house lane after he walked almost the whole 6 miles, I took him close to the check point & video taped him in case anything went awry. It was extremely cold & my hands were shaking & the wind makes it difficult to hear. This was on 1/27/2016.”

Original –

Jason Patrick was 10 minutes late to court 3/2/17 and threatened with a $100 fine if it happened again.

Hear him tell how he had to him ‘splain himself to the everloving Judge Anna Brown at 46:35 in the video below.


God Bless America!

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