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Liberal clowns turn Supreme Court confirmation into circus

Thursday, April 6, 2017 8:41
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Emblematic of the Democrats’ unhingement syndrome over SCOTUS nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch is radical leftist Sen Jeff Merkley. The Oregon senator is desperately trying to ratchet up his political profile from zilch to a 2020 Democrat presidential candidate.

Merkley was such an ardent Bernie Sanders supporter, he was the lone U.S. Senator to endorse the self identified Socialist over scandal plagued Hillary Clinton.

Merkley’s 15-hour convoluted filibuster stunt begun Tuesday evening, concluding Wednesday morning, is a contrivance to block Pres. Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. The chicanery revealed showboater Merkley as nothing more than a vacuous windbag.  Merkley referred to the vacancy left by the unexpected Feb. 13, 2016 death of Justice Antonin Scalia, as a “stolen seat” that is “being filled by an illegitimate and extreme nominee.”

Despite these shamelessly deceitful Democrat antics, with more scheduled today, we are reminded by the Washington Examiner that in 2006, when he was nominated to serve on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, Neil Gorsuch  received unanimous confirmation including  Democrats and Republicans.

Know this: These actions have nothing to do with Judge Gorsuch. They have everything to do with Merrick Garland — Obama’s lame duck Supreme Court appointee who was not confirmed.


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