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#ABArare – White-throated Thrush – Texas

Sunday, February 7, 2016 6:25
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On February 5, multiple observers reported an ABA Code 4 White-throated Thrush at Estero Llano Grande State Park in Hidalgo County, Texas. Interestingly, a White-throated Thrush was found at Estero almost exactly one year ago, on February 6, 2015.

Photo: Ben Horstmann

Photo: Ben Horstmann

Estero Llano Grande is located just south of Weslaco, Texas. From Hwy 83, take exit at FM 1015/International Blvd and then south for two miles. The bird was seen on the south side of the “butterfly garden” part of the park. Estero Llano Grande is open daily from 8-5. Admission is $5.00.

White-throated Thrush is a neotropical Turdus thrush similar in size and structure to American Robin. It ranges from southern Tamaulipas south to Ecuador, and is generally found in higher elevations but moves downslope in winter. In the ABA Area it is known from a few records in south Texas, the first in 1990, all of which have been in the winter. This pattern is likely associated with cold snaps in the mountains of northern Mexico.

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