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Felipe & Johnny
Truth mixed with lies.
It’s the staple throughout all of alternative media’s frauds.
Author Ole Dammegard is a professional conspiracy theorist who has repeatedly exposed false flags for us.
He proves that, at least in Europe, there is a caravan of crisis actors who are driven to these events:
He even exposed a sickening pattern of the Elite advertising their products during these false flags so that they can make money during faked mass tragedies that get used by their political puppets to finish instituting a Roman feudal slave state.
After he’s impressed you that he’s “one of us” he then denies the Holocaust and blames the Jews (a favorite topic for Henrik Palmgren and “Red Ice Radio”)—
This tactic has been used by Romans and their minions since the suppression of the Templars.
Dammegard recently spoke with lawyer, author and talk show host Alfred Lambremont Webre.
Webre has been called out as a Jesuit coadjutor by author/speaker Eric Jon Phelps (himself, an incognito Jesuit).
“You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace; to take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.” ~ taken from the Jesuit 4th Vow of Induction or “Blood Oath”
This caused Webre to admit his past—
My personal history with the Jesuits
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – As I have written publicly on a number of occasions since a public debate with Eric Jon Phelps who falsely accused me of being a “Jesuit CoAdjutor”, my maternal uncle in Havana, Cuba was a Jesuit, Richard Chisholm, SJ.
I was born into a Catholic family on both sides (Father Louisiana French; Mother Cuban-American/Canadian). AS [sic] I grew up in rural Cuba, my parents sent me to a Jesuit school in Havana (Belen) for 2nd grade, and to Jesuit High School (9th grade – New Orleans, La) and Georgetown Preparatory School (10th-12th grade – Bethesda, MD) for secondary school. Without this educational background, I would not have been qualified to gain my scholarships to Yale University and later to Yale Law School.
My Jesuit uncle Richard Chisholm, SJ, became an assistant to Pedro Arrupe, SJ, the 28th Superior General of the Jesuits (1965-1983) long after Richard Chisholm and I had become estranged because I left Catholicism upon entering university and was hostile toward him and his vocation. The only occasion on which I had any contact with Richard Chisholm SJ was in 1969 on a vacation trip to Rome, when I went out to a family lunch with him.
From my personal perspective, my incarnating into a Catholic family with some familial connection to the Vatican permitted me to gain maximal spiritual insight to do the tasks I set out to do, both in my writings and in assisting in prosecution of the Illuminati and negative dimensional entities including the Vatican.
Alfred Lambremont Webre
July 21, 2014
As the name of his blog—“ExoPolitics”—explains, that “task” once “leaving” his Jesuit/Catholic life behind was to blame our very real and serious issues like systemic pedophilia amongst the Elites…on aliens.
Although Alfred Lambremont Webre “has left” the Roman Catholic Church, the foundational agenda of his work serves Rome and the Jesuits surprisingly well.
Another tactic Webre uses is one that is quite common amongst so-called “alternative media” talking heads from Alex Jones on down: to claim that Jesuit-trained Donald Trump is a populist hero who has installed white knight champions like career politician Jeff Sessions to “bring ‘em all in!”
In fact, Jones frequently brings on devout Roman Catholics like WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi to push the Papal puppet President.
Given that Donald Trump is, himself, a pedophile with extensive connections to pedophile facilitators like Bill Clinton’s friend Jeffrey Epstein, we had our doubts.
But true to his word, arrests are indeed being made! —11 so far including this mastermind and ring-leader; high school janitor Reginal Johnson.
With equal precision, Donald Trump is keeping his promise to close the treasonously wide-open borders—not by actually closing them, or returning the tens of millions of Hispanic Roman Catholic illegal immigrants the Vatican has sent America for generations—but by making great wind over the 3 or 4 “radical Islamic terrorists” created each month at the Guantanamo Bay Inquisition facility on the Jesuit-controlled island of Cuba by the Jesuit-run Central Intelligence Agency (also known as “Catholics in Action”).
The Dammegard / Webre interview is equally important and confusing as it discusses a very serious side of the systemic pedophilia of Elites brought to the forefront by the “PizzaGate” scandal: the disappearance of hundreds, perhaps thousands of American children in National Parks. Dammegard levels the very substantive accusation that National Parks are a hotbed of disappearances because they are government-controlled and the United States government is the power behind child sex slave trafficking.
Another name who frequently guests the same forums regarding child disappearances is
Similar to Alfred Lambremont Webre’s contention that “aliens” or a “government contract with aliens” is responsible for the disappearances, a former Fremont and San Jose police officer, David Paulides, has built a powerful following of his own by sensationalizing Park disappearances. Paulides has written extensively about Park disappearances, many of them children, carefully manipulating the recounted stories to imply a mysterious explanation such as being kidnapped by Bigfoot—a contention Paulides vehemently denies but only because it’s clearly obvious that’s what he implies because he’s as sought after a speaker on “Bigfoot” as he is child disappearances.
An extensive review of Paulides on Amazon eviscerates the ex-cop-turned-“cryptozoologist” as a master manipulator who left law enforcement under a cloud.
David Paulides is CLEARLY trying to attribute the disappearances to Bigfoot. He’s a big time BIGFOOT “researcher” and he’s constantly and subtly implicating Bigfoot in the cases. His claim of “offering no theories” is a smokescreen.
In real research, scientists need to disclose their conflicts of interest to their overseeing agencies, because those things make a difference to conclusions. Study design and methodology is important when you want your analysis of anything to be taken seriously at all. Data does not exist in a vacuum but needs to be contextualized by how it was gathered and who analyzed it (that’s another reason why, in real research, researches look for Intercoder reliability to judge that the researchers have minimized bias errors through consensus).
Data is not judged purely on its merits, it’s judged on the merits of the atmosphere in which it was collected and processed. The fact that Dave Paulides is obsessed with all things Bigfoot is hugely relevant to how he has interpreted his data. …
[Paulides’ books are] Cherry picked reports cobbled together by Paulides who is woefully ill-informed and ignorant of modern search and rescue techniques along with the effects of hypothermia that spews purposely deceitful garbage. …
Paulides has a prestigious 20 year background in law enforcement as a detective and investigator that enables him to gather facts and interview witnesses to get to the facts of the case. On his NABS Blog #91 he states in part, “he chose to retire after twenty years, and no one in his group lies”. The reality and truth of the matter is far stranger than anyone could imagine. David Paul Paulides was an Officer with the San Jose Police Department until 1996. He was charged and indicted for a misdemeanor crime that involved falsely obtaining autographs while fraudulently misrepresenting his position within the police department. His tenure fell short of the requisite 20 years required to retire and he was forced to leave with only 16.5 years. His last duty assignment was in the Court Liaison Office. Most likely he left voluntarily in lieu of being prosecuted and given an option to quit. On an ancillary note with this background I am curious as to what Senior Executive Position he has or had held in the Technology Sector. From what I can discern the North American Bigfoot Search is Mr. Paulides. Furthermore, Paulides has never been on a Search and Rescue team, or participated in any organized SAR. This book is a discredit and a slap in the face to those men and women that are. …
He doesn’t come out and state it emphatically, but these editions are nothing more than his belief that Bigfoot is taking people in the woods, across the county.
… The vast majority of the cases in Missing 411 are not bizarre or mysterious as Paulides would have you believe; rather they follow the general conventions of a lost person, especially if those people are suffering from the effects of hypothermia. The conspicuous denial of these factors enables Paulides to shoehorn his ideas into a serious flawed theory! …
If Paulides really cared about the families and the missing, he would have promoted the Ab Taylor “Hug-A-Tree” methodology, and he would have promoted this book through his CamAm site and not his Bigfoot site. Additionally the only “sleep” he has lost was trying to figure out how to sell this garbage as factual. His agenda is transparent and his genuine regard for the persons and families goes only as far as the deposits in his bank account.
The review even contains citations and shows the detail of someone who knows Paulides well.
Below the review, Paulides, himself responds by writing “the vast majority of what Robert writes is pure fiction.”
Interestingly, the cryptozoologist did nothing to disprove the criminal corruption charge.
Perhaps this was the foundation Paulides needed to be powerfully used by the Jesuits who trained him in under-graduate and graduate studies at the University of San Francisco.
Paulides uses the Jesuit/Freemason Psychological Operation (PsyOp) smokescreen—“Bigfoot”—to cover for the crimes of Jesuits and Freemasons in kidnapping children to turn them into sex slaves.
“Bigfoot” is part of the complex web of deceit woven by Jesuits to include “dinosaurs”, “evolution” and “aliens from space” to discredit the Biblical depiction of reality. The Bigfoot phenomenon is as fraudulent as Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s fabrication of “Piltdown Man”—evolution’s “missing link”—for the same purpose: to shore up the sophistry of Darwinian evolution.
But law enforcement corruption over systemic child sex slave kidnapping, trafficking, abuse, torture and murder runs deeper than an ex-cop’s snake-oil routine.
It would appear that elements of local law enforcement are deeply involved in these unbelievable crimes.
When the Franklin Cover-Up surfaced, child victim Alisha Owen reported that one of her most frequent rapists and abusers was Omaha Police Chief Robert Wadman. When Owen attempted to come forward to out the monsters, she was convicted of perjury and the teenage girl was given 25 years in prison.
One aspect of the systemic pedophile network that has come to the surface via the “PizzaGate” scandal has been the encoded language of child slavers and rapists.
Did you leave a handkerchief From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected] Date: 2014-09-02 17:54 Subject: Did you leave a handkerchief Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it. Susaner From: Kathryn Tate [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 10:04 AM To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject: You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it. I also meant to inquire yesterday about the pillows you purchased. I can send them as well, if you let me know where they are in the house. Safe travels to all Kate
In April of 2016, the FBI released an unclassified but “law enforcement sensitive” memorandum on pedophile language.
When in public, secret symbols are used to show preferences for child rape in general or rape of little boys verses little girls, in specific.
Once a wary parent knows what they’re seeing, the symbols shockingly pop up everywhere. One awake mother found them on a stuffed toy she bought her daughter at a monster truck rally.
But perhaps the most disturbing example has been found on the badges of local county sheriffs like in West Virginia—
—including the county that is home to the entertainment industry:
Proving that this wasn’t an accident, the same badge was used for the fictional law enforcement of the popular TV show, The Dukes of Hazzard—
Sadly, the lampooned corruption of the small, Georgia hamlet is much more real and far more sinister than we ever imagined.