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Shocking! Videos Surface Showing the Magnetosphere Images Redacted by NASA

Saturday, April 1, 2017 17:03
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(Before It's News)

Several YouTube Channels covered the magnetosphere data missing on or about March 14, 2017. The controversy exists mainly because nobody has been able to catch NASA completely removing something after it has already been released. Typically, when there is something they don’t want us to see, like comet perihelions, they simply pull the simulations or data links and take things completely offline. What is interesting is that these magnetosphere images were made public and then quickly taken back. A FIRST!

The video below shows you several hundred streaming images of the most bizarre magnetosphere images yet to be seen. What you will see in this video is that any wind coming from the Aquarius constellation would now be at 90 degrees and oppositional to the Sun’s spiral wind. To the viewer the wind would be coming from the viewer’s point of view (Y cut). Intersecting at 90 degrees opposition would create maximum magnetic torque upon Earth’s magnetosphere because the magnetic field is strongest at a point 90 degrees from its origin.

So when watching the Y cut simulations try to imagine the wind blowing away from you and intersecting a very weak solar wind. The video producers, make no mistake about it, claim that second wind is Helium 3 and Helium 4.

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