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McGill University in Montreal Canada
Yesterday two suspected members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult were arrested during their preparations for what appeared to be a child sacrifice. Evidently the child homicide was to take place on a blood-stained altar in the basement of a residence in the upscale neighborhood of Outremont Montreal Quebec Canada. During an older woman’s arrest she admitted that the child sacrifice was scheduled for midnight and involved executives of America’s Sinclair Oil and food giant Cargill Corporation. According to an officer of the Brussels Belgium ICLCJ Court, their team worked in conjunction with Montreal police to perform the citizens arrests.
“This informant claimed that the two children to be used at the Montreal event were held at a separate facility at McGill University,” the ICLCJ Court press release stated, “but she claimed not to know where. She said that the normal procedure was to deliver them in a drugged condition just before the ritual began. The woman said cult members describe themselves as part of the Ninth Circle society and carried tattoos of the Ninth Circle insignia.”
“Cargill Corporation Executive Kerry Brick is among the suspected Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members,” Kevin Annett of the ITCCS said in today’s interview. “Months ago a survivor testified that as a child they were taken to Cargill Corporate Headquarters in Wayzata Minn where they were forced to observe a child sacrifice. From what other eyewitnesses reported to the ICLCJ Court, Ninth Circle members appear to be very influential and able to get away with doing child sacrifices across the globe.”
A security guard at the Montreal private residence showed arresting officers a small sub-basement sound proof chamber that contained a blood-stained stone altar and two small prison cells with wall shackles. An adjoining room held locked cabinets with child pornographic material and articles of children’s clothing. Evidence such as samples of blood, metallic torture devices, ceremonial swords and sophisticated film equipment was photographed and bagged for analysis.
The suspect identified child sacrifice participants as Cargill Corporation Executive Kerry Brick of Wayzata Minnesota and Sinclair Oil Executive Stephen Holding of Sun Valley Idaho. A prior ICLCJ document claimed other Ninth Circle members included Montreal Catholic Archbishop Christian Lepine and a prominent US billionaire. This same influential American businessman has been identified by eyewitnesses as being at Ninth Circle human hunting parties in the Netherlands. Children were stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed – as were children in an Australian CIA mind control program according to eyewitness Fiona Barnett. Barnett chronicled her experiences in this article.
“Our team restrained all three prisoners, locked down the premises and took videos and samples from the underground chamber,” wrote a member of the arrest team. “We then secured a covert perimeter in the neighborhood in anticipation of the arrival of the cult participants and their victims. Unfortunately, although we maintained our vigil until well after midnight, no-one else arrived at the premises for the rest of that day and evening. We must assume that the participants were somehow alerted to our presence and aborted the ritual.”
Montreal police supported the Ninth Circle member citizens arrests and planned to eventually take charge of the suspects. “The security guard in our custody was released after he proved that he had been retained in a private commercial capacity. The two cult members are being held in our DAU prison facility in Montreal prior to their questioning by the Court Prosecutor and his Canadian affiliates. All samples and film we obtained are in transit to Brussels headquarters for analysis.”
The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, which has been prosecuting cases against Ninth Circle Satanic Cult members in the ICLCJ Court since 2011, had called for protests against child sacrifices believed scheduled on Aug. 15 for Reine du Monde Cathedral in Montreal and Pro Cathedral in Dublin Ireland. The Ireland child sacrifice was thought to be under the direction of Catholic Archbishop Dermot Martin. Evidently because of protests, the Montreal child sacrifice was relocated from the Montreal Cathedral sub basement crypt to an underground facility at McGill University, then to the private estate in Outremont Montreal.
McGill University had a history of torturing children in satanic-related mind control experiments. In the early 1950s at McGill, President of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations D. Ewen Cameron, tortured children as part of USA’s CIA MKULTRA program. In 1964 the US Congress supposedly shut down MKULTRA after a successful lawsuit against Cameron and McGill University by mind control survivor Linda MacDonald.
In these videos mind control survivors Claudia Mullen and Christina Nicola testified in the 1995 Congressional hearings about the CIA mind control of children. MKULTRA supposedly ended in 1964. However, in this video Jenny Hill discussed her 1965 witness to a child sacrifice under the direction of a CIA master mind controller thought to be head of the government’s program. The first fifty comments in this petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA program, most by CIA mind control survivors, indicated that children were still being tortured even today in the government program.
Witnesses to these child sacrifices have alleged that the Ndrangheta Criminal Syndicate worked with police, Vatican and Catholic orphanages to provide children for torture and killing in monthly blood sacrifice rituals by the Ninth Circle. There have been 34 Catholic child mass grave sites found in Ireland, Spain and Canada. The grounds were believed to contain bodies of over 350,800 missing childrenalthough the respective governments and Catholic Church have refused ITCCS’s continuous requests for excavation.
Popes Francis and Ratzinger, plus Queen Elizabeth have all been named by eyewitness testifying before the ICLCJ Court as having killed and raped children in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult human sacrifice ceremonies. Over 60 eyewitnesses from several different countries have testified, with more contacting the Court each week.
Since 2011 six judges and 28 jury members of the ICLCJ Court have been litigating Ninth Circle Satanic Cult members. In Aug 2014 Pope Francis was found guilty of child trafficking; Pope Ratzinger resigned after his 2013 guilty verdict for Crimes Against Humanity and Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were issued arrest warrants for their guilty verdicts in the 1964 disappearance of ten children from the Canadian British Columbia Kamloops Native Residential School.
The ICLCJ Court has over 450 Common Law Peace Officers in 13 countries, with 51 local chartered groups operating. Organizing funds were available for common law groups wishing to apply. To contact the ITCCS, ICLCJ Court in Brussels or to volunteer, email: [email protected] or [email protected].
About the Author
Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” ( is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on hundreds of blogs and websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau ( If you have news tips about child abuse issues please email Judy [email protected]. You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children by clicking here:
Absolutely disgusting. You better believe “Tyrone” in prison will make sure they feel those innocent childrens pain. Pure evil.
This is but a Drop in a Vast Luciferian Lake, in America alone an est. 1.3 Million – 1.8 Million Children go Missing Each Year.
I suggest reading archived Watchman Willie Martin articles and then listen or read Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein’s Interview
I am just so glad this happened and all!
The arrest is great and my prayers worked. Proving that God Enki almighty is strong.
I have in response contacted Kevin and hope to join the ITCCS. I may not have the education but I certainly have the paranormal powers with my religion.
The only powers you’re endowed with are ones of extreme self-delusion… as if your “prayers” are what resulted in this outcome, in-which it is also a false story which can be confirmed in about thirty seconds.
As if you know anything that is 20 000 years old and can chase away DEMONS THAT NO OTHER RELIGIONS CAN!
That being said stop pissing off people! Your retarded brain only angers those who are more evolved than you!
Oh BTW did your behind hurt from demons penetrating you? CAUSE NOT BELIEVING IN THEM DOES NOT WORK!
actually the story is true. it’s been all over today.
of course you won’t see it on the ‘networks’, which are actually run by satanists.
Judy, I’m always available to assist. May God damn these bastards and have mercy upon their souls……………Because I WON’T
If your asking God to “Damn those bastards”, then how could he have mercy on their souls? One or the other.
Misguided fools, what power could they possibly get from taking a life. There’s is no power in the Occult only fear and levels of idiots that follow. But there is power in life, if they were only to plant a tree and make our world greener, that would benefit them and others to come. respect the Creation and the Creation will respect us. Basic mathematics, stop poison the earth and the earth won’t poison us. make our world greener treat every thing with respect. We only have one earth. if we f..k it up, its not as if we can hop off it and go some were else. Not all of us anyway, maybe some of the elite in there space arch’s, and then what float around in space until the earth settles down, I have news for you. You will be in a man made prison. It will be 80 years before the earth settles you will be old and grey. So think, and protect what we have.
There IS power in the occult but that is soon to be put away with. How could you say that you know ANYTHING for a fact when there is more UNSEEN by us humans than what we can see? Don’t you suspect that they are hiding anything from us? Don’t you expect that they are lying to us? If you don’t…you better.
I don’t know much about the occult but I know a lot about the bible and God continually forbids the eating of blood because “the life is in the blood”. And from all that I’ve heard talk of these rituals it always end up that the perpetrator, bastard, satanist, evil, abomination’s consuming their victim’s blood and since there is life in the blood, there is much more at work here; things that most people have no idea about.
I don’t want to know, I just want to judge these bastards with Jesus as is promised by the bible (we will judge angels) and destroy all evil with God and do away with anything that defiles and live forever with God in unimaginable glory!
Bla bla bla, only thing you get for your talking is a bullet in the head like most people that did what you bla bla bla about!
holy crap , water board these terrorists just for fun.
Another B.S. story. I will bet all three participants will be back at their respective jobs Monday morning, none the wiser to this story. Show me some proof.
If the Bishop of Quebec was truly involved (and easy to name) you don’t think it would be on local news?
If it’s on the internet, it must be true! Duh
You should drop him a note. If none of this is true it would be the biggest defamation of character and libel lawsuit in the History of North America. Maybe he’ll cut you in for the tip off.
Many people have testified of witnessing human sacrifice in the Vatican.
Svali’s testimony of a child sacrifice she was forced to watch as a child, in the Vatican..
Mormon Bishop And Elder Glenn Pace
Satanic Ritual Sacrifice In The Mormon Church!
Pace’s Letter To Mormon Church
You have already received the LDS Social Services report on Satanism dated May 24, 1989, a report from Brent Ward, [Utah State Attorney General] and a memorandum from myself dated October 20,1989 in response to Brother Ward’s report. Therefore, I will limit this writing to information not contained in those papers.
I have met with sixty victims. That number could be twice or three times as many if I did not discipline myself to only one meeting per week. I have not wanted my involvement with this issue to become a handicap in fulfilling my assigned responsibilities. On the other hand, I felt someone needed to pay the price to obtain an intellectual and spiritual conviction as to the seriousness of this problem within the Church.
Of the sixty victims with whom I have met, fifty-three are female and seven are male. Eight are children. The abuse occurred in the following places: Utah (37), Idaho (3), California (4), Mexico (2), and other places (14). Fifty-three victims are currently living in the State of Utah. All sixty individuals are members of the Church. Forty-five victims allege witnessing and/or participating in human sacrifice. The majority were abused by relatives, often their parents. All have developed psychological problems and most have been diagnosed as having multiple personality disorder or some other form of dissociative disorder.
From prophet Linda Newkirk
“My Child, what I have shown you about sacrifices of children to Lucifer in the bowels of some of these temples is absolutely correct. What I have shown you about rape and sodomy of little ones and others within these satanic circles is absolutely correct. What those at the lower levels of freemason organizations do not know is that Lucifer always requires human sacrifice. He always requires desecration and defilement of the human body; for this very body is the temple of the Spirit of God.
“Lucifer demands obedience and sacrifice, human sacrifice, and defilement of the human body. Those at the top of the Mormon Church are prisoners in the worse kind of way. You have been told of forced drugging at very high levels of this church and I tell you, My Child, that what you have been told is so. You have received words, which have backed up the previous visions of many months past, about human sacrifice and orgies in the bowels of some of these temples. Yes, My Child, the word is out and it is true. Let those, who will see, see. And, let those, who will hear, hear. For, My Son will not take a single one as His Bride, who is married to the devil.
Actually Mark, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or “Mormons”, is the only large organization which has DONE something about the problem. I have the only interview Elder Pace has ever given on his report, granted to me by the LDS First Presidency.
After Elder Pace’s 12 man committee completed their work they researched perpetrators who were still church members, excommunicated them and then turned over their information to the Utah Attorney General.
I recently talked with the administration of the LDS Church counseling arm, LDS Family Services. They said the LDS Church is still aggressively excommunicating members found to be child abusers.
Hey, I can’t hear you can you speak up?
don’t be an idiot…. wut bubble have you been livin’ in?
Judy, I am curious as to whether this report is in any other news media? What police agency is investigating this? I know Mainstream is captivated by Ferguson but looks like a story like this would at least warrant a mention occasionally.
Those arrested are big name guys. I looked yesterday and couldn’t find any newspaper in Montreal, Minnesota or anywhere for that matter, that has a report on this.
Searcher…those arrested were the little guys who were preparing for the ceremony – an older lady and a man. The ones who got caught named the two executives as being part of the Ninth Circle – and those executives’ names matched up with what some of the 60 survivors who have testified about before the ICLCJ Court. The executives are free, but still being investigated by the ICLCJ Court and Montreal police.
Why won’t mainstream media pick up on the story? Research the links. Research the links. Research the links.
Sounds to me like people are too stupid to understand OR HAVE THE GUTS TO LISTEN TO THE WHOLE INTERVIEW! 1 hour!
Cause I sure understand it quite well after tuning into the interview!
Hell, yeah!! This is just the beginning of the end for these bastards.
This contributor is abaurd, IMHO,
I previously left a comment that was not posted for some reason. All I requested was whether or not this story is being reported on any other news media other than here as I have not read or heard anything about same.
The act of killing innocents removes divine protection and opens the perpetrator up to possesion by demons/archons. That’s one of the reasons the inflicted are forced to keep doing it. I did email the ITCCS but received no reply. Don’t they want help?
I googled “Kelly Brick” , Cargill Corporation…nothing. No story of this exists OUTSIDE of the people who wrote this story.
No Cargill indictments, no mention from Interpol Child Sex Department. THE ONLY mentions of this story are on the ICLCJ “Court”, which isn’t even a real court at all.
So to recap:
Kevin Annett’s ITCCS Keystone cops, errrr…. “Direct Action Units”, had *supposedly* been skulking around an affluent, upscale neighborhood in Montreal, undetected, for a week-and-a-half, keeping under survellience a private residence, where it was supposedly, known that an international ring of satanic, devil-worshipping pedophiles were set to gather, on the specific date of Aug. 15th no less, to carry out the ritualistic killing of 2 innocent children.
BUT…..rather than WAIT for the participants to show up WITH THE CHILDREN, (so that……ummmmm…..they might be rescued???…..) this crack unit of “highly trained”, ex-military professionals chose to execute a raid BEFORE the event, (thereby assuring the participants would be tipped off) traipsed all over the “crime scene”, (thereby assuring it was contaminated) gathered up all vital evidence, and absconded with it AND 2 material witnesses/cult members to an undisclosed, super-duper secret location.
Have I missed anything??
Well! Needless to say, the country club set of Montreal must be ABUZZ!!! This is better than the Real Housewives of New Jersey, New York, Orange County, Miami and Atlanta combined!! They must be burning up social media! Right??
In the meantime, 2 children are presumably still in the clutches of the satanic, blood-thirsty cult members. But Kevin doesn’t have any information on THEM. He’s waiting for “updates” from Brussels.
Stay tuned folks!!
You know what….. How about attaching to your down vote a comment. Refute it. Offer evidence to the contrary. I simply summarized the story. What exactly did I get wrong??
In fact, I’ll up the ante. I challenge anyone to provide evidence of a SINGLE child who has been rescued by Kevin and his various organizations over the past 20 years.
Of the hundreds of thousands of dollars Kevin has collected over the past 20 years to carry on his “crusade”, give me a single instance where he has given back to the Native community, upon whose pain and trauma he milked those dollars.
3 1/2 weeks ago, he gave a breathless update claiming they were about to arrest Pope Francis and the royal “gang”. What happened??? I’m still waiting for someone to provide the name of a SINGLE prison that is preparing to receive these people so that they can carry out their ITCCS imposed life sentences.
Step up.
I don’t know whether you’re right or wrong but you are a very articulate writer… Think about writing a book and get out of these comment sections, it’s a waste of your talent…IMHO…
At the close of a recent interview, the Brussels Belgium ICLCJ Court spokesman added, “No, I don’t work for a real court, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express.”
Lol! Perfect!
Alas, another failed author thrashes around in purgatory, aka BIN.
where’s the evidence? not just photographically fixed pics either…hard evidence. nope. don’t see it.
like UFO pics…where’s the ship? where’s the creature? nope. not. FAKE. FRAUD. SICKO site.
Since video cameras became common there have been a lot of captured craft. As the saying goes; If you’re going to be smart then be really smart. Half baked arrogant cloned cynicism ain’t gonna cut it no more.
That’s quite disturbing to learn…here’s more info on child sacrifice.
As always Judy, another well Researched and Documented Report on these Luciferians Worldwide.
How dare you associate Archbishop Christian Lepine with such crimes based on no evidence. If you think you can scandalize God’s Church and get away with it, think again, you arrogant witch.
get a grip, buddy…. never heard of the guy but if he is high up in the church you can be sure he is evil… you want proof? Kevin has plenty…
Well, well, well, doesn’t take much digging to find some ties to potentially incriminating evidence…after about 30 seconds I see that Cargill was/is lending their support (if you can call it that) to have an orphanage built in Indonesia. Granted, this was back in 2006 but it was just what they needed to gain access to children for the next few decades.
Very Interesting and away from the Spotlight it would seem..good work Cat
I applaud you Cat, very good work indeed.
I hope some day moderate christian evangelicals will see the real truth that the illuminati rules and that christian zionism is a PYSOP by the kazharian zionists to murder millions of souls to trigger the fake apocalypse and wait for a rapture that will never happen! common people wake up and smell the coffee!!!!
We now realize that nearly all of the people in power on our planet are: A) not human and B) Are guilty of the most horrific acts of mutilation, torture, rape murder and sometimes even consumption of raw human child flesh and blood, during or just after said child’s rape, torture and murder, when the blood and tissue is filled with endorphins.
What a bunch of crap. Just what the world needs another Borderline Personality therapist promoting a weird fantasy. BUNK story. Too bad focus is not on real child abuse rather than her “multiple personality” clients, yeah right. Narcissism and BPD is a deadly mix for reality.
Was prominent US billionaire. This same influential American businessman has been identified by eyewitnesses as being at Ninth Circle human hunting parties in the Netherlands
Was that billionaire the devil thief gangster hacker Lars Hubinette from the Netherlands and after robbing all the brokers by hacking into us, he moved to the USA with his lovers Mark Forstein and Jim Teague. Together the gangsters are hacking into the world and robbing all the deals brokers work on and Hubinette launders the money to wash the history of the funds.
As Karen Hudes ex chief senior counsel of thec world bank. She will tell you about the biggest finncial heist the world has ever seen
Lars Hubinette also with his allies changed the system in the bank to a remote system where the bank a ounts in the banks are on their millions of servers, the same one they monitor the whole world with as they put out TVs, computers, phones, cell phones etc on their servers, they are hosting all of us on their servers.
The pervert is a devil of the worst kind