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“Camouflaged Aliens Live Among Us” – Say University of California Scientists

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 23:01
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(Before It's News)


Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show

A number of prominent people of quality reputations are coming out on the ET issue. Here is a University of California professor who makes an outrageous claim. It seems outrageous until one pauses to consider what he is really saying.  With the sheer number of  prominent people coming out, it is hard to believe that disclosure is not far away.  

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Total 24 comments
  • Looks like the NWO crews are ramping up their agenda to dupe Uncle Bunky and Aunt Martha into believing that aliens are invading, and we need a world government to survive.

  • As you know there are NO aliens. The phenomena you do see is spirit beings. Possibly evil spirit beings coming to prep you to worship the Beast and his False Prophet – the Pope!

    Who will make fire come down from heaven to deceive you into worshiping him and taking his mark so you can buy and sell.

    Do not take his mark! This will mark you for punishment by Yahuah. :twisted:

    • “As you know there are NO aliens.”
      Dude the appropriate term is ‘extraterrestrial’. Aliens are at the border in Mexico, y’know?
      And no, I don’t ‘know’ that!
      There are of course billions and billions of extraterrestrials beyond count…
      (Just in our local galaxy alone.)
      With the extraterrestrial entity our ancestors called God being at the very top of the list.

      • LOL “Aliens are at the border in Mexico, y’know?” And in the fake terrorist ameri… government…

      • alien (n) – A form of life assumed to exist outside of the Earth or its atmosphere.

        From a dictionary definition as a noun.

        • noun
          1.a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization (distinguished from citizen ).
          2.a foreigner.
          3.a person who has been estranged or excluded.
          4.a creature from outer space; extraterrestrial.

        • The use (and attempted demonization), in adjectives is interesting, too.

  • yes and no.

    No aliens

    Demonic spirits—fallen angels –They are called walk-ins–

    Even has been reported as being in certain levels of government.

    Need more proof? look at the Third Reich –Nazi Germany – no doubt demonic influence there.

    people are looking for someone to come and solve the worlds problem, they will get that request answer but

    will be the most evil person who ever lived :!:

    • no demons, just ET’s

  • coming from hollywood. lol. it’s amazing what hair dye, colored contact lens and a script can do for a fourth reich wet dream.

  • Well…we KNOW that California is the land of fruits and nuts, so not being of this Earth is no real surprise after seeing their collage students burning the night away in their studies in uncivil unrest and Anti-American banter and if California is removed from The United States and Federal collage grants and programs are cut, no worries they can go work at Starbucks…but have to wait in the job line behind refugees…SOUNDS SPACED OUT FOR SURE

    • Not really, no one wants to hire stupid ass meth freak drug addict drunkard from an American college…only a dr, or an attorney can afford such waist…I would not now…I was only #1 in my field in the 6th largest econ in the world. We replaced americans with humans…..

      • “waste” Sorry about the spelling….we did in fact hire their college prostitute weapons against males for all written contracts and legal

  • If they didn’t come through U.S. Customs and Immigration and they don’t possess current valid Visa’s or Green Cards they must all be Illegal Aliens !!!

  • Boo

    Quote’s from the bible are totally false. Looks like these professor’s have an invested interest in pushing propaganda dealing with this subject. Curious? Don’t you love it when they can’t play you anymore?

  • Almost every myth, legend, and , most folklore tell us that the visitors from the heavens were white men. China refuses to show many of their ancient artifacts for this reason. The ” Visitors “came, and eventually thru time they are still here intertwined with the natives of this planet. Too bad the Church used Dogma to mess up the Book that recorded these truths.

  • There are two classes of people: the children of God and the children of Satan. When Satan challenged God in heaven that God’s law could not be kept, God challenged Satan that He will create the earth, will place His children there, that this earth would be given 7,000 years in sin (one day in a week represents 1,000 years) and that God will run His program and that Satan could run his program. Satan quickly impregnated Eve to multiply his seed on earth so that they could lead the spiritual sons and daughters of God into sin. Cain was that seed. By the 7th generation itself, it was not possible to tell who was the seed of God and who were the seed of Satan. In all our families are the seed of Satan, aliens if you wish to call them, the proportion of good vs evil being 1:4 sometimes. I believe that the mystery of God Paul speaks about is how many of the seed of Satan God will save into His kingdom through this mixture; and how many of his own sons He is willing to sacrifice to achieve the same. When the persecution begins, we will see more such aliens in our families who will side with Satan and will exhibit his evil. The separation has begun.

  • Look no further … “Say University of California Scientists” sure they say, they not to be blamed, it is the aliens.

  • All life forms input quantum perception, out put quantum relativity… where telepathy is enabled., :wink:

  • ^^^ “Camouflaged Aliens Live Among Us”

    Yea EraserHead, they can usually be spotted standing outside your local Home Depot, looking for day labor work! :mrgreen:

  • Cleanup of our space by the Creators:
    Disappearance of Earth and 20 thou. planets by is imminent
    Feb. 1, 2017 T.Tatsmaki (Japan)
    All changes towards disasters of Earth have begun from raid on Earth by planet Nibiru
    Cleanup of our space by the Creators:
    Disappearance of Earth and 20 thou. planets is imminent
    Earth has been taken over by Reptilian humanoids of the Lizard (4-D reptile type hunanoids covered whole body with scales) and their bosses: draconian lizards of the Draco (5-D flying lizards walking with 2 legs, the official emblem of UK capital London city).
    According to infos from the Creators, all ruling layers of all countries of plutocratic slave domination on Earth are shapeshifters of reptilian humanoids and their doubles after their death due to sanctions by the Creators, including D. Trump, Bushs and other leadership cadres of the US Rep. party, B. Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton and other leadership cadres of the US Dem. party, Comm. party leadership cadres etc., T. May, F. Hollande, A. Merkel, V. Puchin, Hi Jinping, Kim Jongun, S. Abe, Japanese ruling and opposition parties’ cadres, others. Reptilian humanoids are followers of draconian lizards of the Draco.
    As well known, Planet-X: Nibiru is rapidly approaching to Earth due to the General cleaning by the Creators of Earth being under evil & corrupt civilization of plutocratic slave domination, though the Creators have given everything gratuitously for Earth too. Planet Nibiru causes the pole shift of Earth soon. It becomes the new catastrophe of Earth since extinction of Dinosauria in ancient times.
    Thus, the East and CA State of USA sink into the sea, at the same time British islands, Japanese islands, the East and the South of China, Russian Moscow and Petersburg and others also sink into the sea.
    Moreover, Earth, planets of the Lizard and the Draco will be swept away soon by the Creators’ Space cleanup together with around 20,000 planets of evil and corrupt civilizations in ordr to keep the normal order of our space.

  • Definitions are the deciding whether there are spirits, aliens, demons or angels. God the boss of our spatial realm has banned all beings no matter their composition from setting up in the open on the surface of the earth to make earth safe for the children which by blood oath of his Son was given. There are spirits, aliens, demons, angels and more, the children man are until a time under his authority until man as children venture outside of their protected sphere. At that time there will be a return of the power that has been over us and depending upon the world as a whole will be the resultant. For the moment do not be deceived the governments try to now set themselves up as gods for which they will be punished the way to find out about what they do is to search for the words mind control electronic weapons implants TI.

  • Ya really have to watch it when your shopping at the Sportsman’s Warehouse, camouflage everywhere.

  • There is an alien where i work hiding among us hopefully Trump will have him deported back to whatever planet he came from :lol:

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