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Will People Be Marrying Robots by 2050?

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 13:44
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(Before It's News)

In April 2016, the Mirror reported people in the UK would happily date a robot. Does this indicate a frustrated dating pool or a generation comfortable with technology?


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Total 3 comments
  • So basically, it’s saying, western, technocrat societies (the UK being a prime(d) example) are communist, hiveminded borg fucktards with no sense of individuality, consideration, capacity for reason and are programmed?

    Just saying, I’m not marrying a robot. Maybe I’m “weird” like that, in modern society.

  • It’s already bad enough with phone sex (people having sex WITH their phones) ! I can just imagine how HOT (and DANGEROUS and PAINFUL ) it will be when they can have sex with robotic toasters and curling irons as well in the future !!! :lol:

  • no that means there is something wrong with them or the people they hang out with :mad: :wink:

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