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I was asked by a viewer/reader what is the DCCC?
In case you are wondering what the video title means here you go. Mansoor Khadri is Political Insider who has worked for he Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee; which is the official campaign arm of the Democrats in the House of Representatives. Mansoor Khadri’s fingerprints and Internet Footprint are all over several political events that have occured in the past involving Hillary Clinton, Haiti and the Clinton Foundation and more recently on Trumps’ Muslim Attacks and the Quebec City Mosque Attack by the white Franco-Terrorist who has the last name of Bissonnette. Mansoor Khadri has a lady Bissonnette in his life as well.
I don’t believe in coincidences.
I am going to call this episode of my ‘This Day in Fake News History’ video: “Keeping Up With The Khadrishians”. Starring: in order of appearance Mansoor Khadir, Mohamed Khadir and Amir Khadir. All from parts unknown.
Recently I watched the movie ‘Wag the Dog’ and I had fun breaking it down into how it predicted future events that have been manufactured by the government black operations department in the Central Intelligence Agency.
On my two previous videos regarding the Quebec City Mosque Shooting I had mentioned whatever happened to Mohammed Khadir. One of the original two men that were accused of shooting up the mosque in Quebec City.
Authorities said that: ‘It was all an apparent mix-up and a mistake of identity..
Well, thanks to YouTube Channel NowTheTruthTV-11 I have my answer.
A Democratic Party mole named Mansoor Khadir was picked to covertly Produce and Direct the Quebec City Mosque Massacre Hoax.
This video also looks at the following comparisons from a 1997 movie titled :Wag the Dog” and today’s global events.
Five Things About “Wag the Dog” That Predicted Future Events That Are Clearly Fake News Today.
The movie manufactured a fake war.
Really, I don’t need to say anymore. The false flag ’9/11′ under Bush Jr. triggered the second Irag War. There was a vintage ‘Wag the Dog’ on fake terrorism. American’s bought it hook, line and sinker.
The movie ‘Wag the Dog’ promoted an anti-Muslim mood in America after they faked it that Albania had a Nuclear Bomb.
Four years after the movie was made and just day’s later we heard George Bush say the magick words of ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ in reference to Saddam having ‘Weapons of Mass Restruction’ and more recently we have the anti-Muslim sendiment and rhetoric coming out of Donald trumps mouth. Then we had the Quebec City Islamic Mosque Attack Hoax here in Canada on the same day that Trump banned Muslims from flying into the united States and that leads me to my main part of this video.
The movie included the President being caught in an under age sex scandal with a young teenager who they portray as a ‘Girl Scout’ only they use the term ‘Firefly Girl’.
Today I would obviously link that to Hillary and Bill Clinton and underage sex on Epstein Island via the Lolita Express. It also reminded me of #pizzagate and the on-going elite pedophilia sex rings.
Flying back with the ‘fake war’ hero Sgt. Shoeman played by a ‘convict’ Woody Herrelson the plane crashes. We never see the co-pilot or pilot of their plane so I guess we have to conclude that they died.
Today I link it to my video of the mysterious death on a top secret trip that involved Hillary Clinton to Iran after an American drone had crash landed in Iranian Territory.
‘Wag the Dog’ included a fake Albanian girl running (in front of a green screen through her terrorist hit and bombed out neighborhood.
Today I would have to include the modern Day Twitter Sensation from Aleppo, Syria none other then Bana Alabed the fictional little 7 year old who Tweets from her war torn part of Aleppo, but has since according to her Twitter account has moved to even more ‘peaceful’ Turkey.
Woody Harrelson’s character get’s killed on the way back to Washington. So now they have a dead hero. The movie shows Hoffman asking that they include a dog following in behind the dead soldiers casket during his funeral.
Here in Canada we had our own ‘fallen soldier’ Corporal Nathan Cirillo
in Ottawa who was killed while guarding our National War Monument in the fall of 2014 by a radicalized Muslim. The media played up the fact that his two dog’s were missing the single father of one young boy and his two dog’s received more headlines then the dead soldier.
Trump’s Muslim Ban and the Quebec City Mosque Massacre: A Made in France Psy-Op. Where’s Mohamed?
Quebec FAKE Massacre – Meet the CONNECTED Democrat Operative and Psyop Source