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NASA should’ve looked TWICE before posting these UFO images of the Apollo Moon missions

Saturday, February 11, 2017 12:18
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(Before It's News)

Do you still don’t believe we’ve actually managed to land a man on the moon? To put an end to the worldwide conspiracy (apparently it’s still there), NASA made history as they released thousands of images of the Apollo moon missions that took place between 1961 and 1972.

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Total 6 comments
  • Those are flaws in the set since it was a movie made here on Earth. The Earth is too small. Shadows intersect and this whole charade was only supposed to pass before the lemmings eyes quickly on the 6 o clock news. They didn’t think ahead that someday people would be able to enhance the fake.

    • 1. The surface is too bright, compared to a white space suit.

      The Moon absorbs 90% of visible light.

      The angle of the sun has an effect. But not enough of an effect to make the surface look so white.

      2. All the motion is slow-motion, up, down, and sideways.


      Scroll down to: “But surprisingly, as we went closer to surface, amount of radiation decrease did not happen as quickly as predicted,” said Spence. “The difference is that the Moon is a source of secondary radiation. This is likely due to interactions between the Galactic Cosmic Rays and the lunar surface. The primary GCRs produce secondary radiation by shattering atoms in the lunar surface material; the lunar surface then becomes a significant secondary source of particles, and the resulting radiation dose is thereby 30-40 percent higher than expected.”

      21st century scientists are surprised by the secondary radiation on the Moon? The atoms split by cosmic rays are a surprise? We launched the LRO in 2009.


      About observations in 2013 by the Van Allen probes, scroll down to:

      “…fluxes of particles in the radiation belts can change by up to a factor of 1000 in a matter of hours or less.”

      It is impossible to say what the intensity will be on launch day or return day. Everything they said about expected doses for astronauts was a lie. The electron belt (s) accelerates to high energy unpredictably.

      The high-energy electrons they are talking about generate X rays when they strike metal. And:

      “While it is possible to increase satellite shielding and protect the satellites from relativistic particles (speeds of greater than 0.9 of the speed of light), shielding from ultra-relativistic particles (speeds of greater than 0.99 of the speed of light) is practically impossible.”

      5. No one has even pretended to travel beyond low Earth orbit, except Americans between 1967 and 1972. That’s 44 years now, of not even trying.

      • There is no orbit! We are stationary, satellites are fake. It’s just better technology bouncing off our ionsphere. They stole Tesla’s findings and then coupled with their fake space program

  • no one landed on the damn moon! grow up and realize your government has lied to you for decades ABOUT EVERYTHING! and not just this bs moon landing lie!


  • Someone asked why couldn’t you see any stars when on the moon? NASA said that because of the brightness there on the surface they are not visible. Now it’s suggested that those little lights might stars! Mmmmm.

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