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Previously, I accused Hillary Clinton of being a Russian spy. The accusation and subsequent article received moderate attention. However, there have been new developments, and it is time to repeat the charge with even more information.
It is ironic that the Deep State is accusing anyone who opposes them as being Russian subversives, including yours truly courtesy of the Washington (Com) Post.
As I stated, the article I wrote alleging that Clinton was a spy gained moderate attention. However, there is more evidence that has come to light.
There are multiple reports that the Clinton people met with members of the Russian diplomatic Corps during the campaign in exactly the same manner as happened with the Trump people. The House Intelligence Committee is meeting on March 20 to further accuse President Trump of being a Russian operative. The CIA will be a part of these hearings, which I find outrageous since they are the source of classified information leaks designed to damage the Trump administration. However, this is quickly becoming a case of the kettle calling the pot black. It has now been revealed that Clinton was engaged in the same activities, meeting with Russian officials during the campaign as they are accusing Trump’s people of doing. This serves to further reinforce the fact that Clinton has no loyalty to the United States and this includes key members of the DNC as well.
“Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov (Press Secretary to Putin), revealed that not only did Donald Trump’s team meet with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, but so too did Hillary Clinton staff hold meetings with the Russian diplomat.
The Telegraph UK reported that Trump-Russia “fake news” being spread by mainstream media is the revelation that the HRC campaign was also meeting with Russian officials as
“We don’t have a proper understanding of the future,” he said. “We certainly would expect our contacts to be more frequent, more in depth, because we had quite a significant pause.
“We were losing potential by blaming everything on Earth on each other.
“We do worry. Public opinion – if you load with a huge burden of fake news, fake blaming on Russia, repeat every day numerous times that Russia is interfering, guilty of trying to hack, that everything that goes wrong in the country is the fault of Russia.
“We want to see this hysteria coming to its logic end. Better sooner than later.”
The Establishment’s and Rockefeller controlled Council on Foreign Relations, through its mouthpiece the Foreign Policy, has already taken the position that Mrs. Clinton’s staff did not meet with the Russians at anytime durng the campaign. This is a key piece of evidence that further reveals the Deep state plot designed to bring down the President.
Further, I find it interesting that Ambassador Churkin’s autopsy results will not be released. If he only died of a heart attack, then what is the big deal? What are the “athorities” hiding”. Given the fact that Clinton has now been shown to be guilty of the same thing that she is accusing Trump of doing, I am very suspicious of the decision to not release the autopsy results. Makes me wonder if this is another “weight-lifting accident”.
In fact, seven Russian Diploamts have recently died. What do they know that certain people don’t want revealed? My answer to the question would be to answer with this question with another question. What is presently the biggest scandal in America?
Not only is Clinton guilty of what the Deep State and their political minions are alleging about Donald Trump, but this is part of a very disturbing pattern of behavior in which the Clintons and their Foundation have been uncomfortably cozy with the Russians. A simple review of the facts would reveal that the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation and major players in the DNC are not loyal to America. They will commit treason all in the name of getting ahead. No, this is not Dave Hodges saying this, initially, it ts the Global Research organization, which does not share many poliical opinions with The Common Sense Show.
When one considers the source, Global Research, this is about as damning an indictment of the treason that surrounds the Cllinton’s that exists:
From Global Research:
During her 4 years as Secretary of State of the United States (2009-2014), Hillary Clinton controlled US foreign policy. She had access to the most confidential information and state documents, numbering in the tens of thousands, from all of the major government departments and agencies, Intelligence, FBI, the Pentagon, Treasury and the office of the President.
She had unfettered access to vital and secret information affecting US policy in all the key regions of the empire…”
“…There are several lines of inquiry against Mme. Clinton:
(1) Did she work with, as yet unnamed, foreign governments and intelligence services to strengthen their positions and against the interest of the United States?
(2) Did she provide information on the operations and policy positions of various key US policymakers to competitors, adversaries or allies undermining the activities of military, intelligence and State Department officials?
(3) Did she seek to enhance her personal power within the US administration to push her aggressive policy of serial pre-emptive wars over and against veteran State Department and Pentagon officials who favored traditional diplomacy and less violent confrontation?
(4) Did she prepare a ‘covert team’, using foreign or dual national operative, to lay the groundwork for her bid for the presidency and her ultimate goal of supreme military and political power? (Ed. Note: My assertion)
Clinton’s covert war policies, which included the violent overthrow of the elected Ukraine government, were carried out by her ‘Lieutenant’ Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, a virulent neo-conservative holdover from the previous Bush Administration and someone committed to provoking Russia and to enhancing Israel’s power in the Middle East. Clinton’s highly dangerous and economically destabilizing ‘brainchild’ of militarily encircling China, the so-called ‘pivot to Asia’, would have required clandestine exchanges with elements in the Pentagon – out of the State Department and possibly Executive oversight.
In other words, within the Washington political circuit, Former Secretary of State Clinton’s escalation of nuclear war policies toward Russia and China required secretive correspondences which would not necessarily abide with the policies and intelligence estimates of other US government agencies and with private business interests…” (EDITOR’S NOTE: I MAINTAIN THAT THIS ISSUE IS ALSO CONTAINED IN THE “MISSING EMAILS”).
My main interest toward Hillary Clinton’s treason has recently focused on one issue, namely, the Clinton Foundation’s selling of uranium to Russia. I would argue that Clinton’s policies which pushed the US into a war mode against Russia was done so Clinton would have a willing buyer for uranium (i.e. Russia) should war every come.
Again, from Global Research:
“The executive leadership now faces the problem of how to deal with a traitor, who (at that time) (was) is the Democratic Party nominee for US President, without undermining the US quest for global power. How do the executive leadership and intelligence agencies back a foreign spy for president, who has been deeply compromised and can be blackmailed? This may explain why the FBI, NSA, and CIA hesitate to press charges; hesitate to even seriously investigate, despite the obvious nature of her offenses. Most of all it explains why there is no indication of the identity of Secretary Clinton’s correspondents in the various reports so far available”…
I published my assertion that Clinton was a traitor in 2015. I repeated this charge nearly five months ago.
A former key member of the Obama administration and a past Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton has proven herself to be the Ethel Rosenberg of her generation. You may recall your U.S. history as Ethel Rosenberg sold nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War. In an act every bit as egregious as Ethel Rosenberg’s treason, Hillary Clinton sold uranium to the Russians while serving as the Secretary of State. Ironically, the original source on this treasonous act committed by Clinton was none other than the ultra-liberal fake news rag we call the New York Times.
The proof is undeniable that Hillary Clinton committed the treasonous act of selling uranium to the Russians while Secretary of State, as reported in the New York Times. The Russian blood money, as reported, is being held in an offshore account and was being used to fund her run for the Presidency.
From the New York Times….
“A Uranium One sign that points to a 35,000 acre ranch by John Christensen, near the town of Gillette, Wyoming. Uranium One has the mining rights Mr. Christensen’s property.” This is proof of more BLM chicanery which will involve multiple BLM ranches.
The New York Times further asserts that members of the Canadian mining industry, who have supported Clinton’s campaign, financed and sold off to the Russians a company known as Uranium One. Uranium One is directly responsible for transferring uranium from BLM land to the Russians through an off-shore holding company. Again, according to the NY Times, the Russians, through three separate transactions, acquired Uranium One, while paying off the Clintons and their Canadian partners from 2009-2013. The business deal also involved paying Bill Clinton $500,000 dollars for a speech on energy which was delivered in Moscow.
But wait, there’s more…..
I must have a very large staff with unlimited resources with a very large collection of reporters. Therefore, I cannot blame CNN, the Washington (com) Post and the New York Times for not being able to uncover this story in its entirety.
The truth is that I have a staff of one and my budget is slightly more solvent than the Social Security fund. If a staff of one can uncover this massive conspiracy to commit treason against the United States, how deep does the actual conspiracy go? It goes as deep….very deep…. as deep as the Deep State.
The Trump people need to go on the offensive. This information should dominate Twitter by the end of this day. Meanwhile, you can help the Trump adminnistration by making this type of information go viral.
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we were warned that russia will try to affect UK politics…….**
Nicola Sturgeon must also be working for the Kremlin*
Fact: Hitlery sold billions of dollars of top secret information to Russia. Hang her.
China-gate you mean?
No, China, and Russia. China was back in the 90′s with slick Willy being involved.
Dear Dave,
This is a good investigative reporting opinion article. Thanks for reporting it! I wonder if there is a correlation here with the latest disclosures that the “Obama” administration used British intelligence who had 24/7 NSA access in order to trump up the Trump Russian intelligence faux charges. On a final note, I do wish you would source your research at the end of your articles including a minimum of your online sources. That way, I could read more and decide for myself.
Thanks again
I guess what your saying here is, if Clinton’s not a Russian operative, she might as well be based on the reports. Personally, I just think she is greedy and without morals.
THEY have not arrested her husband for RAPE or selling Chinese technology to aim their missiles more accurately. Never arrested the sodomite negro of theirs for impersonating a US president.
Do you think they are going to arrest this communist MOLE and RUBBISH???
Until I see her husband arrested for rape and treason, the negro for impersonating a US president, and the 535 Congogressmen that committed THE WORST TREASON I have ever seen on this country by installing a foreigner to be your dicktator I won’t for one instance believe this RUBBISH will ever be touched.
So America, you have a real problem on your hand. Trump won’t go after them, Sheriffs won’t arrest any of them, Congoress is doing nothing. WHY???
You are all being BRIBED that’s why. Money and jobs is all you care about and you don’t care HOW you get it or how it’s promised.
You’ll be BURIED in the same MUDSLIDE coming for them.
Breaking! Hillary Clinton KURU Disease From #PizzaGate
Great article. It has always amazed me how Bill Clinton got away with being the biggest spy in American History. While he was president he facilitated the transfer of missile technology to China that directly helped their ICBM development. What did he get in return? A bunch of illegal campaign donations from China. Thanks to him China can hit probably anywhere in the US with nuclear missiles. When I was young, I began to wake up to the reality of widespread corruption that never gets covered in the msm. What really shocked me and dismayed me from my youth up to the present day (this had a profound effect on my world view) is that I realized authorities and intelligence agencies were in a position to know and to stop the traitorous, treasonous, criminal activities that take place as normal operating procedure, and yet failed to do so, or worse, were actively involved in such activities. I have never been the same since!