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Hoax: Vince foster body exhumed, stolen. etc

Saturday, March 25, 2017 16:16
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(Before It's News)

It has been found that the story on the internet the past 24 hours concerning Vince Foster’s body being exhumed is originally from a satire site.  when these kind of reports come out it is nearly impossible to trace them back to the original site. In this case, apparently it originated from a satire news site. once it was picked up by another news site, then it takes on a life of its own and people copy the info and place it again on the internet. the first time i saw the info i placed a disclaimer on it by saying it was not verified. But after a few hours of seeing it on numerous other news sites i assumed it was an on going genuine report. in my opinion there needs to be a legal restraint on satire sites where they should post their disclaimer at the beginning of every article to prevent people from thinking it is a true story.

george eaton


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