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X-Files Spinoff Pilot Predicts 9/11 With Pinpoint Accuracy, Months Before Attacks

Thursday, March 2, 2017 16:40
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(Before It's News)

An X-Files spinoff series entitled “The Lone Gunman” has surfaced, featuring a plot by the U.S. government to orchestrate a 9/11 inside job attack, just 6 months before the real attacks actually occurred. 

The X-Files spinoff pilot depicts a hijacked plane crashing into the World Trade Center, with government officials blaming a Middle Eastern terrorist group to justify starting a war.

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Total 3 comments
  • This is old news. That being said, it was a great series. It sucks that it got canceled but definitely worth watching.

  • Chris carter has inside Intel

  • 9/11 was a totally staged demolition of the WTC & building 7. It was done using planes and thermite and nano thermite dust. Saudi Arabia was behind the whole thing for the sole purpose of revenge on America, competing pipelines through Syria and the theft of resources ie…(Gold, Oil, precious artifacts and history) This was all set up by George Bush, the Clinton Family, George Soros, and the rest of the elites. What happened to All The Gold in WTC7? It’s gone, the second largest gold storage in the world and they couldn’t find any of it. America has been scammed by the Elites… How high did oil go during the Iraq War? Who owns the U.S. Oil? Rockefeller and the Bush Family.

    Wake Up America. Trump is our final hope between the people and the predators, and the predators are coming for you. Which side will you stand on? The Dark Side of Globalism that wants you dead or the side of God. The choice is your to make.

    May God have mercy on your soul.

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