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Don’t Wash Your Hands After the Bathroom, It’s Corporate Fear Mongering

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 9:10
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Don’t Wash Your Hands After the Bathroom, It’s Corp Fear Mongering

This video is not about weather I wash my hands after going to the bathroom or NOT.  But rather how covertly the marketing myosis brainwshes our behavior on what is acceptable as human behavior or  NOT.

We have all  been taught to wash your hands after you use the bathroom.  This is another corporate fear mongering to brainwash you all to buy and use soap.  I have done a social  experiment to not wash my hands for the last 10 years,.  I and no one that I have contact has ever gotten sick.  This is all a results of soap operas pushing cleaning products to the most vulnerable stay home housewife.  

So lets shake on it.

Marketing Myosis, Consumerism is an Addictive Disease


Chemicals in ‘antibacterial’ soaps said to have more risk than reward

How Much Money Does an Average Family Spend on Cleaning Products in a Year?

Why Did The FDA Ban Antibacterial Soap?


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Total 2 comments
  • You are a special kind of mental case. So germs don’t exist? So other people want your fecal matter on their hands? You’re a filthy pathetic, sicko. You would advocate the same poor hygiene that killed MILLIONS over the centuries and resulted in deadly mass pandemics.

    • You missed the point of the video. Wake up and quit being brainwashed through Maketing Myosis

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