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If you are reading this column, you are probably more aware and more willing to correct the abuses that the American people are laboring under. Trump is paralyzed because the Deep State has launched a full frontal assault against him. He needs our assistance and we are not answering the call.
I do not agree with everything that Trump has done, but he is loyal to his mission. He is the first President in a long time that has given a damn about the American people. And how have we responded as a nation? We have gone back to sleep and are doing nothing to help Congress break through the Deep State control which they labor under
If Trump supporters, those who voted for him, were to step up, we could reclaim our country. Of course there would be a fight, probably even a civil war. However, if only 10% of Trump voters were to send Congress an email or a phone message everyday, that would add up to millions of messages that would let Congress know they are in deep trouble if they do not move to support the people. Supporting the people means to support Donald Trump.
Let me be blunt. The consequences for a path of inaction are dire. The chronology will be as follows:
1. False Flags
2. Martial Law
3. Red/Blue Lists
4. FEMA Camps
5. Labor conscription
6. The separating of families through assignment of “state” duties
7. World War III
8. Extreme population reduction
It is your choice America. Help Trump today, or fight for your life tomorrow. Here is a summary to share with friends and family.
Please donate to the research efforts of The Common Sense Show
Dave, I have read your work for a long time here on bin and even listened to your radio show, and I have determined you’re a shill. You refuse to acknowledge the Jewish Zionist influence both in our government and DHS and, also in trumps admin. You’re giving half truths and straight fear porn, and you’re acting as a zionist gatekeeper. Correct me if I am wrong but otherwise fuck off.
Dave is either a deceived true believer or he’s a part of the deception. I haven’t figured it out yet, but it’s hard to believe anyone could be as gullible as he seems to be.
No, you’re giving him way too much credit.
He’s just a click monger.
See BIN pays people that post here as long as they get enough clicks. Because every click, leads to the next BIN page with 40 ads on it, which makes BIN money.
So Dave just takes the content he writes for his website and posts it here. So he gets 2 incomes from the same amount of work. And since the content is just used to promote his radio show, regardless of which website it’s on, he also gets more money from his radio show advertisers.
It’s all about clicks and money. He doesn’t believe anything he writes, just like Lisa and all the other front page, click bait headline writers on BIN.
I have been hearing these kind of messages for years. Remember when it was the Russians waay back then and nuclear war. And guess what? it’s the Russians again.
I remember they telling people to stock up, build nuclear shelters (now called bugging out) and how to escape a nuclear attack, survival and all that, yet live was getting better for everyone. Man, how times don’t change.
Now somehow it’s our dear president that’s in trouble and send in the cavalry. You guys live from crisis to crisis and yet here we are 50 years later better off then ever yet still scared to death.
Like I said, man, how times don’t change….
Oops Alert “live” should be “life”.
Like obseen life.
I have a job opening for an editor. Please send resume to closest doughnut shop.
I find some of Dave’s reports very (very) good, while others are… well… less interesting and border on fear mongering and sensationalism. With that said, who knows, maybe he and his sources are right? Who am I to question, all I can do is express my opinion, just like everyone else?
Keep pushing Dave.
I wish they made fear porn music we could listen to in the background.
No, Trumps not paralyzed.
But the NWO leftist maniacs ARE having obvious mental breakdowns.
That knockout punch is for the financial system. We have foxes guarding the hen house people. These foxes are building underground shelters. They have fancy homes in the islands and will be pulling umbrellas out of their drinks while you pay the price for these crooks. The last 50 years of inflation is already being enjoyed by the masses. They are talking about hyper inflation now. Wait till you have to suffer through that.
Com todo o respeito, não acredito no boneco. O Trump foi salvo da falencia pelo Rothschild e passou a ser seu escravo… o casamento da sua filha Ivanka com o sionista Kushner é uma amostra dessa relação… dizem até que o pai dele (condenado por sonegação e fraude) dá uns pegas… mas isso não é confirmado… só sabem que o garoto é “judeu convicto !?!?!?… tenho minhas dúvidas…
Dessa forma, acho que o povo tem que buscar pessoas que possuam uma linha de ação realista, troquem quase todos os políticos e promovam a limpeza das estruturas… uma nova Constituição… devolver ao Tesouro o controle da emissão de moeda… enfim, cortar as pernas e os braços da sionista máfia khazarian… aproveita, corta a lingua e fura os olhos… e joga todos eles em Marte…