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Cotton Cheesecake

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 19:26
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This cotton pillowy cheesecake is often requested by my family and friends for social gatherings. It is a very light fragrant cake that just melts in the mouth, and is always the first one to go on the table.  Actually, I’ve tweaked this recipe a little this time by reducing the amount of milk (from 265ml to 250ml) and using 6 large eggs instead of 7, as some of my friends find that the old recipe was a little too moist. In fact I love both recipes 😀 Store this cheesecake in an airtight container and it can be chilled in the fridge for 5 days.

cotton cheesecake

Cotton Cheesecake
Prep time

Cook time

Total time


  • 250ml UHT milk
  • 85g Butter
  • 250g Cheese cream (room temperature)
  • 45g Plain flour
  • 45g Corn flour (sift together with plain flour)
  • 6 Egg yolks (I used 70g whole egg)
  • 2 tsp Vanilla flavor
  • ½ tbsp lemon juice
  • 6 Egg whites
  • ½ tsp Cream of tartar
  • 120g Sugar
  1. Boil milk and butter together at medium heat, lower heat add in cheese cream~use hand whisk to stir cheese cream till smooth. Sift in plain flour and corn flour mix well.
  2. Lastly add in egg yolks,one at a time. lemon juice and vanilla flavor, mix cheese cream mixture till thick and transfer to large bowl, leave to cool.
  3. In a clean mixing bowl whisk egg whites, cream of tartar till foamy Add sugar in batches and whisk to peak form (that is the form peaks with tips stand straight when the beaters are lifted).
  4. Lower the speed of the cake mixer and gradually pour the cheese mixture into the meringue. Then stop machine and use a rubber spatula to fold the mixture well.
  5. Pour cheese cream mixture to a lined 9″ square cake tin and place cake tin at the lowest rack in the oven. Steam bake at preheated 150C for about 75 minutes.
  6. Leave cake to cool then remove the cake pan and place it in the fridge. Chill cheesecake for about two hour or more before serving. **Cheesecake will shrink as it cools
Wrap the cake pan with aluminium foil, to prevent seepage
Store cheesecake in an airtight container and it can be chilled in the fridge for 5 days.



*入口即化的海绵乳酪 蛋糕,軟綿細緻又濕潤,是朋友和家人最受欢迎的其中之一款甜品


  • 250毫升 牛奶
  • 85克 牛油
  • 250克 温室乳酪奶油
  • 45克 普通面粉
  • 45克 栗粉 (跟面粉一起过筛)
  • 6个 蛋黄 (用大鸡蛋,一个约70克)
  • 2茶匙 香草香精
  • 1/2汤匙 柠檬汁
  • 6个 蛋白
  • 1/24茶匙 塔塔粉
  • 120克 细砂糖


  1. 将牛奶与牛油用中火煮滚,改换小火加入乳酪奶油 – 用手动打蛋器搅拌至融化及顺滑。筛入分类混匀。
  2. 然后蛋黄一个一个加,拌匀后才加入下一个。接着加入柠檬汁及香草香精,搅拌至浓稠乳酪面糊后放入一个大碗待凉备用。
  3. 在另一个干净的碗,用电动打蛋器慢速度打至起蛋白及泡打粉至泡沫状态。 分3次加入糖, 以中高速度打发至坚挺状。
  4. 再转回低速度,把乳酪面糊慢慢的倒入蛋白霜里即可,不须搅匀。然后用刮刀翻拌均匀便可。
  5. 倒入一个9寸正方形烤盘(底部铺纸),放进烤箱最底层,用水谷法方式(加入冷水)烘烤约75分钟即可。
  6. 烤好的乳酪蛋糕取出,连同蛋糕盘一起待凉后才脱模,收入冰箱冷藏两个小时即可切开享用。**蛋糕待凉后会有些回缩 
  •  用锡纸包住蛋糕模以免烘焙时水进入糕体
  • 蛋糕可冷藏保存5天



The post Cotton Cheesecake appeared first on Anncoo Journal.


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