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No-Bake Strawberry Chocolate Tart 免烤草莓巧克力塔

Monday, February 13, 2017 18:05
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no-bake strawberry chocolate tart

This simple, decadent no-bake strawberry chocolate tart is so easy to make. It’s perfect for your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day or any special occasions. You can whip up this rich, chocolatey dessert without much effort as no electric mixer is required. It goes perfectly with a dollop of ice cream or cup of coffee. Besides strawberries, the chocolate tart also pairs well with any fresh berries, fruit or even chopped nuts if you prefer them. Definitely great to serve this pretty and sweet strawberry chocolate tart for your loved ones as an after meal dessert to enjoy. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

No-Bake Strawberry Tart
Prep time

Cook time

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  • Biscuit crumbs
  • 180g Oreo (without cream)
  • 85g melted butter
  • 150g semi-sweet chocolate
  • 200g dairy whipping cream
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • fresh strawberries
  1. Crush cookies with a rolling pin in a zip lock bag until they are like crumbs, then add the butter and mix well. Pressing the biscuit crumbs with your hand at the bottom and the sides of the tart pan. Chill until required.
  2. Place chocolate pieces in a bowl. Bring whipping cream under medium heat to light boil. Then pour hot cream over chocolate pieces and stir until dissolved and smooth with a hand whisk. Add vanilla extract and mix well.
  3. Pour chocolate cream into tart pan and top with fresh strawberries.
  4. Refrigerate for at least 2-3 hours or overnight and dust with icing sugar or snow powder before serving.
3 pieces 12cm/5inch removable pie pan or 1 piece 22cm/9 inch removable pie pan





  • 180克 奥利奥饼干 (把忌廉刮掉才称出180克的饼干)
  • 85克 融化牛油 
  • 150克 半甜巧克力
  • 200克 谈奶油(动物性奶油)
  • 1茶匙 香草香精
  1. 奥利奥饼干饼干放入保鲜袋中,用擀面棍压碎饼干,然后用手把饼干碎与融化牛油抓匀,压入烤盘底部,压平压紧。铺好饼干后,放进冰箱备用。
  2. 将巧克力粒放入碗中备用。 用中火煮谈奶油微滚,熄火。然后倒在巧克力上搅至顺滑。加入香精再搅匀。
  3. 将巧克力酱倒入烤盘内铺上草莓便可。
  4. 放入冰箱冷藏2-3小或隔夜。最后撒上适量的糖粉或防潮糖粉即可享用。
  • 可做3个 – 5寸小派盘或一个9寸派盘。(用的是底部活动圆派盘)
Happy Valentine’s Day! 情人节快乐!

The post No-Bake Strawberry Chocolate Tart 免烤草莓巧克力塔 appeared first on Anncoo Journal.


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