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Did Susan Rice commit a felony?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 21:33
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(Before It's News)

We don’t know. That’s for the Justice Department to determine. But it doesn’t look good.

(From Powerline)

In any event, if Rice and others conspired to leak confidential information or publicly disclose information about individuals like General Flynn, it would be a crime.

For an optimistic take on where the multiple Russia-related stories are heading, check out Kurt Schlichter’s piece at Townhall: “The Russiagate Scam Will Blow Up In The Democrats’ Smug Faces.”

This part certainly seems correct:

[I]t’s safe to say that there was absolutely no collusion of any kind between Team Trump and anyone Russian. None. How do I know this to a near certainty? Because we haven’t seen anybody leak any evidence of any in the six-plus months that they’ve been pushing this nonsense.

You think the geniuses leading our intelligence community – not the brave and dedicated folks in the trenches but the clowns and political suck-ups lording over them – could have or would have kept real collusion secret? Do you think if Trump was cavorting with the former commies we wouldn’t have heard about it from the NYT, the WaPo and the rest of the Democrat steno pool about a week before November 8th?

Get. Real.

Click here for the article.


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