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Disturbing Images: White Helmets Killing Babies in PR Stunt to Start War in Syria

Monday, April 10, 2017 20:34
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(Before It's News)

[According to Lord James of the Bank of England, speaking in the House of Lords in 2010, the British government has been financing Irish and North African terrorism to the tune of billions. The White Helmets is a fake humanitarian organization consisting of off duty jihadis. It was created by MI6 in order to whitewash the terrorists that the UK trains and infiltrates into Syria. At the last estimate, the White Helmets had received $124 million dollars, much of it from the UK taxpayer. There is nothing that the White Helmets and their backers in Whitehall will not stoop to. – Gordon Logan]

The White Helmets are adored by western audiences, but loathed by those who have done their due diligence to recognized that the group is nothing more than ISIS in an NGO disguise.

Now a bombshell analysis from the Swedish NGO Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) accuses the Syria Civil Defense (aka the White Helmets), of falsifying information about its “humanitarian work” in Syria.

According to Swedish human rights activists, so-called “rescue” procedures filmed in White Helmets propaganda videos, is a complete staged hoax.

The procedures in the video and photos below have been carefully analyzed to show that they were carried out on a dead child, who may have been killed by the White Helmets in order to film the footage.

Chairman of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDH), Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli, notes…

The reproduction of those al-Qaeda / White Helmets footage by CNN, camouflaged as “normal news”, is a fact that should be investigated together with the deceiving content in such footage. A clearer illustration of ‘fake news’ around the disinformation on the Syrian conflict is hard to find.

It is remarkable that no UN official, no CNN journalist, etc., ever reflected on the veracity or authenticity of the enacted ‘saving-lives’ scenes in the video. For instance, and to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time that an analysis of the syringe episode is conducted in the terms I describe here below.

The result of this observation, later supported by two Swedish doctors –one GP and a pediatrician– demonstrates that the syringe’s content was never pumped into the needle injected in the infant’s chest. An alternative explanation, equally bizarre, is that the child was injected with the needle connected to an empty syringe-barrel.


WARNING: Video contains graphic and disturbing content.

There is a lot of evidence to consume, condemning the White Helmets charade contained in the full article from Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli. Here is a link to the Indicter magazine, detailing the White Helmets hoax in its entirety.

Below is the smoking gun evidence from the video released above, in sequenced screenshots, clearly showing that the White Helmets are not saving babies, but killing babies.

WARNING. The images below are very graphic and may be disturbing to see.

Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli via The Indicter magazine…

Between March 9 and March 10 I studied the video by running it in slow motion.

After I selected the segment, I studied the sequence frame by frame. I took screenshots of the relevant frames in sequence, which also indicated the position on the video in order to allow visualization of the full sequence.

On March 11, I made a 27% slow-motion video sequence, and I sent thereafter the link with the material to the same doctors, colleagues at SWEDHR, which have examined the first material [published in The Indicter on March 6], Dr Leif Elinder and Dr Lena Oske. The video featured the full syringe-episode.

On March 12, I received the feedback of my colleagues, statements which are attached in Section IV below. Furthermore, Dr Martin Gelin –also a senior member of SWEDHR– made post-observations about the laryngoscope positioned on the child’s left wrist/hand.

The same day I summarized the results and published a synopsis of the findings via The Indicter Channel.

Images below show a selection of the frames in the lapse 01:09 and 01:41











Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli’s conclusion

‘Lifesaving’ procedures on the children showed in the White Helmets videos were found to be fake, and ultimately performed on dead children.

The syringe used in the ‘intracardial injection’ performed on the male infant was empty, or its fluid was never injected into the child.

This same child showed, briefly, discrete life-signs (uncertain in my judgement) in the first segment of WH Vid-1. If so, this child might have died during the lapse in which the ‘lifesaving’ manoeuvres showed in the White Helmets movie went on. (Which is not the same than affirming that the personnel seen in the videos caused the dead of the infant. In forensic terms, the actual cause of death, as well as the mode and the issue of intent, refer to different items than those treated in our analysis).


Dr Leif Elinder, MD, specialist in pediatrics


Dr Lena Oske, MD, GP, Chief Medical Doctor


Dr Martin Gelin, specialist in dental surgery, designer of various medical and surgical items




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