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Tap Blog’s busy

Monday, April 10, 2017 7:57
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(Before It's News)

There ‘s still no news from Gordon about his operation.  We’re all still praying he’ll make a full recovery.  He said it would be six weeks before we should assume the worst, and it’s not even two yet.

Tomorrow I’m heading beyond internet access to distant parts, unless I can find some which is not expected.  It could be Friday or Saturday before I can reconnect to the blog when we return.

NPP’s posting and Gordon Logan.  I hope something comes in each day to keep readers going.

Numbers have been brisk this week with up to 40,000 page downloads a day.  There’s a lot going on and people realise they’re not hearing even half the story in the mainstream.  Here people can find access to other ideas and interpretations of what goes on, and links to some great researchers – too numerous to mention.  There’s a mass of good stuff out there, just a shortage of time to research it all.  Just turn off your television if you still have an aerial, and head for the net.  Only through this medium do we stand a chance of extricating ourselves from the matrix.



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