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Chemical Chaos: 5 Ways To Cut Down On Chemical Use Around Your Home

Friday, September 16, 2016 20:55
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Nearly every part of our lives is touched in some way by chemicals. While some of those chemicals are necessary for safety or health, many are not. With historically unprecedented levels of exposure to chemicals, many of us are looking for ways to cut down on the number of chemicals we use in our homes. Here are five easy ways you can cut down on your chemical use.

Health and Beauty Aids

Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and many chemicals are absorbed directly into your system through it. Try using natural products for bathing, skin care and other hygiene needs. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well they work and how affordable they are.


From dish soap to laundry detergent, many chemical cleaners in your home can be replaced by natural products. Thanks to consumer demands, these products are easily found in your favorite grocery store at competitive prices. Baking soda can be used to boost your laundry detergent, and vinegar can be used to gently clean hardwood floors.


Air Fresheners

Whether it’s your car, home, or personal appearing, we all love scents. However, chemical fragrances can trigger many people’s allergies. Using essential oils is a better way to subtly add fragrance to your life, your car, and your office. Studies show that many essential oils can benefit your mood and promote wellness.


Whether you use them in your garden or in your home, there are natural pesticides that are every bit as effective as chemicals and, when used correctly, are safer for your family and the environment. Natural plant oils, mineral dusts and other natural products can help control insects around your home without putting your own health at risk.

Lawn and Garden

Many people are looking for alternatives to chemical fertilizers in their gardens and landscaping without sacrificing performance. Organic lawn care products from companies like Nature Safe often work better than chemical fertilizers because they don’t disrupt the soil’s ecology, and they enhance soil health rather than trying to override it. The more you use these types of products, the better your lawn will look from one season to the next.

While it may not be possible for you to completely eliminate chemical use in your home, by being intentional about avoiding them as much as possible, you can make your home a safer place for your family while doing your part to save the planet.

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