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Illegal Immigration Is Not Immigration – It’s an Invasion

Monday, February 27, 2017 13:41
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By Ron Edwards  //

I cannot believe that so many Americans are so dull they cannot comprehend the difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration into America. For starters and to our detriment, the United States has allowed in more illegal and legal immigrants than any other nation on earth. Japan, a nation known for high intelligence does not allow Muslims into their country because they are bright enough to understand that the Islamists are on a serious mission to dominate over non-Muslim nations and convert or slaughter their citizens via sharia law. I also know that Japanese students are taught by their parents and school teachers to appreciate their nation. Students in Japan also know the fundamental difference between illegal and legal, even when it comes to immigration.

Thus the average Japanese citizen doesn’t grow up to be an anti Japanese idiot willing to endanger their nation by fighting against those who want to protect Japanese sovereignty from illegal immigrants. You will not see Japanese citizens trying to force their government to let every illegal immigrants including murderers to stroll into the land of the rising sun. The nation of Mexico has a lot of nerve to chastise our patriotic president for seeking to protect our sovereign border.

Even former president Barach Husein Obama approved of Mexico’s right to defend her southern border. In fact, he put our tax dollars where his belief was and gave that nation $72 million dollars to help pay for the construction of Mexico’s southern border fence.

Switzerland does not allow illegal immigrants to go into their nation. I have read that they refuse Muslims entry because of the dictates enumerated in their Quran’ which tells them to conquer the infidels. On the other hand, you have the government of Sweden that allows every Islamic abuser into that open democracy. I guess you can consider Sweden a sanctuary nation. Even though the Islamists have been raping women, burning cars and businesses for years, the goofy Swedish government blamed President Trump for a recent Muslim burning spree. The real reason for that melee was police trying to rightfully arrest a notorious drug trafficker. The looting rioters were never arrested, because the police were to chicken hearted to lock them up.

I marvel at how nobody including Muslims mess around with either Switzerland or Japan. You do not read or hear about crowds of anti-Japanese or Switzerland demonstrators who want their government to place the rights of illegal immigrants above the sovereign rights of those born in those two nations. The first reason is that students in Japan and Switzerland are not brainwashed in school or through entertainment against their respective nation states. Reason number two is neither Switzerland or Japan do not allow their kindness to be viewed as weakness that other nations can take advantage of.

Americans must quickly understand that it is not racist or xenophobic to protect the legal borders of the United States of America. In fact, those vagina walkers, snowflakes and all misguided protesters against American sovereignty, just know you and your allies are not even helping your own personal standard of living for your children. Because of people like you, our enemies are laughing their backsides off at your condemnation of this republic that recognizes your right to express yourselves, even if unwisely or harmful to our nation. But then again that is the goal of your ilk. You in fact willingly seek to give those who want to overrun our republic the advantage by dividing America so that she cannot stand.

I fully understand that American progressives want the United States to fall. There are fat cat politicians like traitors John McCain and Keith Ellison along with many others who are literally seeking to harm America, whether through Ellison’s Muslim Brotherhood connections or John (I used to be a hero) McCain trying to undermine president Trump’s mission to reassert positive Judeo/Christian values and rebuild the military.

I find it amazing and agree with syndicated radio talk show host Dennis Prager who once stated that “college educated folks are without common sense, wisdom or real knowledge.” I first stated years ago on a page from The Edwards Notebook syndicated radio commentary that the number one enemy of America is the government education system.

Currently it poses an even bigger threat to our nation’s manifest destiny than all the terrorists, illegal immigrants and American hating refugees combined. A united nation can defeat powerful external enemies. But those enemies from within can topple even the mightiest of nations if the people are not united on the principles of providential guidance and appreciation of the nation itself.

To fully restore America to greatness, we must reestablish an education system that uplifts and properly feeds young minds. I am calling upon American parents to also consider home schooling. That has proven to be a superior approach toward properly educating young minds. Get a dose of great education on a radio station possibly near you via The Edwards Notebook syndicated commentary. Let’s meet 5:00 AM Tuesdays, Thursdays and 4:00 AM Saturdays as I contribute on the Captain’s America Third Watch emanating nationally from AM 860 WGUL Tampa, Florida or

Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 86 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

Ron Edwards, producer and host of The Edwards Notebook, a syndicated radio commentary, is a talented and gifted commentator with over two decades of experience. Ron Edwards is a well versed journalist with a fiery delivery of information, thought provoking conversation, and humor. The Edwards Notebook delivers a wealth of knowledge in an entertaining and educational format. Ron Edwards brings to the airwaves unapologetic truth sure to keep his listening audience tuned in every time. He is respected by friends and foe alike for is consistency of conviction and originality in commentary.

Ron Edwards has served for over 25 years as a news anchor in several Midwest markets including Cleveland and Detroit. He has been a guest of television, radio, and has had numerous articles written about him throughout the United States including, The Detroit News, Headway Magazine, Houston and The Call and Post, Cleveland. Ron Edwards broadcasting history includes news anchor in major markets, such as WJMO, WCPN, and WGAR, Cleveland and WWJ, WJR and WDTK, Metro Detroit.

The Edwards Notebook can be heard on many radio stations throughout the U.S., daily on Constitutional Patriot Radio and coming in October, Ron Edwards will host his own show with Constitutional Patriot Radio. The Edwards Notebook airs on WDTK FM 92.7 and AM 1400 on Fridays at 7:30 AM EST, Saturdays at 9:30 AM EST, WWII 720 AM, Harrisburg, PA, The Rick Swier Show on WWPR AM 1490, Talk Sun Coast Radio in Florida. Ron Edwards also guest hosts “The Freedom’s Journal” every Wednesday 11:00 AM on Urban Family Talk and the American Family Radio Network. He is also a weekly contributor with Fairfax Free Citizen, an online newspaper, Ron Edwards is also a highly sought after reoccurring guest on the top rated talk show “Let It Rip” on Fox2 TV, Detroit.

Ron Edwards is a recurring guest host for the syndicated “Bob Dutko Show” which airs on the Crawford Broadcasting Network. Ron Edwards tours the United States to address this republic on where we are as a nation and to illuminate the path on where we go from here.

Visit at: twitter@theronedwards, Facebook Ron at Friends of The Edwards Notebook.


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Total 11 comments
  • Illegal immigration is actually GENOCIDE….and that is what it is all about…the humanity hating Rothschilds decided to ill off western civilization (think white christians) and replace them with a better slave class…enter the muslim refugees and mexico….

    • Debbie… Your words are crystal clear and 100% factual, bulls-eye. These illegal criminal American replacement drone humans are to replace the current populations…White, black, “legal” Hispanics and other European immigrants which entered the United States “legally”. The Rothschild’s and Rockefeller’s are doing their best to overrun Americans civil constitutional population with treasonous radical is-slum mooslim terrorists for bonus democrap votes and for the corporate media/military industrial complex sellouts, one in the same. Americans have now been bought and sold as slaves once again. President Trump is doing his best to stop this illegal replacement of human flesh but the brain washed youth are too ignorant to realize this as they riot in support for the very evil they are supposedly against. Pathetic brain-washed ignorance. Somewhat reminiscent of the Oscars last night…La La Land.

    • R0thchilds?…Uh, more like the */atican, and the R0man cath0lic church, they’re the ones that have stated that they want to catholisize America. 80 to 90% of these “immigrants coming across the southern border are R0man catholic, and catholic charities is helping to facilitate this invasion as well, and so are the Je$uit controlled politicians. Yes it is population replacement and very purposeful. Keep in mind America was founded by mostly Pr0testants, NOT cath0lics. The Je$uit 0ath also states that catholics whenever possible should give jobs to cath0lics over Pr0testants whenever possible. So it’s no wonder that the U.S. is being invaded by R0man cath0lics by the millions and our jobs are shipped elsewhere, like Mexic0. There’s A great book called “Washingt0n in the Lap 0f R0me” every American should read it, it’s a free download. :arrow:

  • And who will do all the hard or dirty jobs for below minimum wage in America? I would be careful about being strict about illegal immigration until the bureaucracy and taxation go down first. We could see high inflation and the economy shrink some more.

    Its not about what is legal or illegal, that is a fools discussion. Its about what works vs what does not.

    The reason we have high taxation is precisely because the government is too big on military spending and welfare payouts. We can barely pay the interest accumulating on the national debt. We spend on our military as much as all the industrialised nations combined and the reason for that is because we are addicted to the petrodollar scheme rather than re-industrialise again.

    Income and capital gain taxes should be abolished and replaced with tariffs and some consumption taxes, there should be no minimum wage laws, no mandatory healthcare, no unions, no affirmative action hiring quotas, etc. The economy would skyrocket with zero unemployment. Trump and the republicans are not libertarians, they are facists of the mild kind. If it was easy to hire legals, then there would be no illegals in America.

    Remove government backed student loans and force colleges to compete for students. The prices would go down by 50% at least. Force healthcare providers to compete and do not give them bailouts, again healthcare costs would go down dramatically.

    The problem is too much government interference everywhere! And behind the government are the illuminati bankers and royal families. They love tyranny.

    • And the US Treasury as mandated by the US Constitution will issue silver and gold backed currency.
      Away with the Fed and in with freedom…

    • And who will do all the hard or dirty jobs for below minimum wage in America?


      Smart Robots for Picking Fruit

      • There is a time and place for robots but they should be used sparingly to do what humans would otherwise have a very hard time accomplishing on their own. Its certainly a mistake to have high unemployment and use robots to do all or most of the work. The progressives are creating this environment with their constantly increasing demands that interfere in the natural supply and demand cycle of capitalism. They are using the government as leverage to destroy capitalism and usher in socialism. :mad:

  • “I cannot believe that so many Americans are so dull they cannot comprehend the difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration into America.”

    Yeah, I cannot believe people listen to people like you, regurgitating things forwarded to their inbox, doing zero fact checking, then passing it on. Let’s look at what you got wrong here.

    “Japan, a nation known for high intelligence does not allow Muslims into their country because they are bright enough to understand that the Islamists are on a serious mission to dominate over non-Muslim nations and convert or slaughter their citizens via sharia law.”

    Nope. Japan actually does not ask you to identify your religion when applying for citizenship. You are rebooting internet memes as fact, without doing research.

    “Switzerland does not allow illegal immigrants to go into their nation.”

    Yeah. No nation allows illegal immigrants. You know. Illegal. Kinda spells it out.

    They also didn’t ban Muslims, they banned building more

    “The first reason is that students in Japan and Switzerland are not brainwashed in school or through entertainment”

    LOL!!! Japan is severely brainwashed! All Asian countries are. They’ve let themselves be disarmed, and regulated into the ground. Porn on regular TV, Suicidal at work.

  • Somehow, America is the only country in the world that’s OK to bash and not have sovereignty and that our enemies can invade as long as they label themselves as Muslims or illegal immigrants.

    All other countries are NOT OK. :twisted:

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