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Tijuana: In midst of relentless violence, human head found on Avenida Internacional

Thursday, February 23, 2017 0:12
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Human head found on Avenida Internacional
B4INREMOTE-aHR0cHM6Ly8yLmJwLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS8tN2pVVnRlUWhUb2cvV0s2Sk9TMEx4ZkkvQUFBQUFBQUFCRG8vY0EzNHRpZm42cndSQ3pHQ1RQY2lYM0VMUzVGYTZXNDd3Q0xjQi9zMzIwL3RpbXRodW1iLTIuanBnAs violence grips the city, another severed head was found on Avenida Internacional this afternoon, shutting down traffic and generating a large mobilization of police.  A suitcase, found in front of the PRI offices, contained a severed human head.  There is no reports on the victim, or the rest of his limbs, or torso.  On Saturday, another body was found stuffed in a suitcase, on Pacifica Boulevard.
In a grim bit of irony, the photo displaying the scene, shows a traffic sign for Revolucion looming above a decapitated head, cut with a machete, or strong knife, pressed into the neck until it cuts through the bones and veins, blood spurting from the wounds.  Revolucion, where Tijuana has seen a resurgence in recent years, as locals and US citizens cross to party and socialize in bars and clubs, which are higher end, and lower in price then the ones across the border. 
B4INREMOTE-aHR0cHM6Ly80LmJwLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS8tVmY2NE5fNzRWMnMvV0s2SlNabllpSkkvQUFBQUFBQUFCRHMvV0FxWnVmZWRwMFlURkRqYko3VE5JRFlmNTFXYVRfekxBQ0xjQi9zMzIwL3RpbXRodW1iLTEuanBnRevolucion also includes Zona Norte where bands of retails cells, including families, have waged a bloody war for control, since the execution of Luis Manuel Toscano, El Mono, a Colima native, who maintained power for years, despite numerous arrests.  Elements of Los Aquiles, and Los Toscanos, and the CTNG vie for control of the lucrative area.  Public executions, bodies and mantas dropped off have become a normal part of life in the area.  
Near pure, very cheap crystal, and highly cut cocaine are sold in wraps in La Zona, which fuel the 24 hour party scene of the nightclubs and Zona De Tolerencia, including clubs like Hong Kong.  The retail business used to be the gringos, and still maintains a market share, but the crystal meth has become a local business, infecting the neighborhoods, with venereal disease like spreading.  
Violence has flowed through the city, blood and rain soaked streets, on the heels of a storm, over the last week.  There were 4 attacks just tonight.  A man shot in Zona Rio days ago.  Another killed in a bar, La Cueva De Peludo.  A man found entambado, stuffed in a grey trash can, on Calle Coahuila.  A severed human leg tossed onto the street in Zona Centro, Cinco De Mayo.  A man's body dropped off, in Colonia Matamoros, a rope around his neck, his body barely recognizable, burnt black all over, charred skin flicking off the corpse.
Sources: AFN Tijuana 


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