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International coaine trafficker of the Comorra Mafia in Napoli arrested in Tamaulipas

Sunday, March 12, 2017 0:17
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Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article

Subject Matter: La Cosa Nostra, Italian Mafia, Tamaulipas
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Giulio Perrone, alleged member of the Italian Mafia from Napoli, has been sought by law enforcement for 10 years for his probable responsibility in international cocaine trafficking.


Giulio Perrone, alleged leader of the Italian mafia in Napoli, was detained by elements of the PGR in Tamaulipas, for his alleged involvement in international cocaine trafficking.

The detainee, 64 years of age, originally from the province of Gragnano, Italy, had a red notification in Interpol and a sentence of 20 years, 11 months and eight days in prison, handed down by the Napoli court.

Perrone, who has been for 10 years in the list of most sought after fugitives by the Italian Government, delivered by the authorities of his country.

He is considered by Italian authorities as a top level member of the Comorra crime family ( Italian Mafia of Napoli ), of the Mazzarella, Nuvoletta, Formicola and Tonornelli families.

In a communication, the PGR detailed that the migratory situation of Giulio Perrone in Mexico was irregular, at the moment of his detention in the town of Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas, he had two false identities on him that both had photos on them showing the characteristics of this individual

Original article in Spanish at Milenio


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