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First Valentine’s Day Gifts

Monday, January 9, 2017 3:06
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A new relationship can be like treading on egg shells as you are still unsure of how you feel about each other. Valentine’s Day can seem dreadful if you have been on only a couple of dates. How do you deal with it? Should you ignore it? Go all out and celebrate it? Seems confusing. Don’t worry. Giftease has some great First Valentine’s Day gifts which will help you out of this sticky situation.

First Valentine’s Day Gifts

Valentine’s Day can be a great opportunity to get to know each other better and have some fun while doing it. Gift the Imagica gift card from Giftease. You can enjoy rides, eat, walk, talk and just spend the day getting to know each other.

magica Gift Card If a formal date is too intimate for your relationship now, how about getting together other couple friends and having a karaoke night instead? The Kortek Karaoke Mic is a great valentine’s Day gift idea for boyfriend. A great gesture would be to sing your partner’s favourite song making it the right amount of romantic.

Kortek Karaoke Mic

If your new boyfriend loves playing mixologist at parties, the Fire Extinguisher cocktail shaker from Urban Chakkar is the perfect Valentine’s Day gift online for him. Cushion covers like the Daaru party cushion cover are sure to appeal to his quirky nature.

Daaru Party Cushion Cover

Giving women jewellery will always be a classic Valentine’s Day gift idea for girlfriend. Since it’s your first Valentine’s stay away from the hearts. Go for something generic yet elegant like the Adale metal earrings for women. If it’s too soon for you to give her a massage to soothe her aching muscles, get her a spa gift card instead and pamper your girlfriend.

Adele Metal Earring for Women

Get cute and gift yourselves Him and her watches or even a set of his and her perfumes. Who said cute meant only dressing alike?


There are plenty of gifts on the Giftease website that are appropriate for a new relationship and pocket friendly. Valentine’s Day won’t seem so scary anymore. Just click and gift!


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