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North Korea Selling Lithium 6 (Red Mercury) Online – Connected to Atlanta? False Flag Warning!

Monday, April 3, 2017 4:56
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(Before It's News)

As we all know, Red Mercury was reported in downtown Atlanta, and then two hours later I-85, a major artery to downtown was taken out (pulled). The shills were quick to say Red Mercury doesn’t exist, but a little research will show that the Russians used Red Mercury as code for Lithium 6, a material that makes nuclear explosions 25 times as powerful as Hiroshima..

“When Mr. Kim declared last year that the North had set off a hydrogen bomb, there was no evidence to back up the claim, such as enormous shock waves felt around the globe. More likely, experts said, Mr. Kim’s scientists had created a “boosted” atomic bomb in which a tiny bit of thermonuclear fuel resulted in a slightly higher explosive yield but fell well short of a true hydrogen bomb.

“It’s possible that North Korea has already boosted,” said Gregory S. Jones, a scientist at the RAND Corporation who analyzes nuclear issues. Like other experts, he pointed to the nation’s two nuclear blasts last year as possible tests of small boosted arms.

A next logical step would be for the North to turn the material it was advertising online, lithium 6, into a more complex kind of thermonuclear fuel arrangement for a much more powerful bomb. The first Soviet thermonuclear test, in 1953, used that method. It was more than 25 times as strong as the Hiroshima bomb”

I thought the article in the Times was quite cryptic, even using the term “mercurial” to describe Kim Jung Un.

WASHINGTON (Yonhap) — North Korea is believed to have built and is operating a plant to produce lithium 6, a key ingredient for hydrogen bombs that are much more powerful than conventional nuclear weapons, a U.S. think tank claimed Friday.

The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) said the plant appears be located at the Hungnam Chemical Complex near Hamhung on the North’s east coast. It cited a 2012 order the North placed in China to purchase large quantities of mercury and lithium hydroxide, key materials to produce lithium 6.

“Lithium 6 is a critical raw material needed for the production of single-stage thermonuclear and boosted fission weapons. These findings add credibility to North Korea’s claims that it has been developing thermonuclear or boosted fission weapons, regardless of the actual status of those efforts,” ISIS said in a report.

Lithium 6 reacts with a neutron to produce tritium, the most important thermonuclear material for weapons. When tritium fuses with deuterium (D) it releases relatively large amounts of energy and neutrons, becoming a key reaction driving a thermonuclear explosion and leading to more efficient fissioning of the plutonium or weapon-grade uranium in a weapon, the report said.

Potential Lithium 6 Bomb in Yemen

Operation Vigilant Guard, Connecting The Dots In Atlanta

I-85 Collapses After Red Mercury Found Downtown

Red Mercury’ is Lithium-6, Russian Weaponsmiths Say

“The code name originated because mercuric impurities contaminate the lithium- 6 during production, giving it a red color. ‘Red mercury’ has been identified by many European media reports as ‘any of several simple mercuric compounds and tinctures offered for sale by Russian and European agents,’ but none of these had any nuclear value. The uses for lithium-6 are consistent with claims about the uses of ‘red mercury.’ The USSR built a large complex in the early days of their nuclear weapon program to produce and stockpile lithium- 6. Some was also supplied to China in the 1950s.”

Question: Is the Deep State going to set off one of their supposed prepositioned suitcase bombs in a US city as a false flag to blame on Korea and send the Trump presidency into a tailspin??

Is the Trump admin trying to shut down Lithium 6 from entering the country from countries like Africa with the laptop ban? Remember, laptop batteries are made from Lithium.

Edit to add:

I had to add this great video from Richie From Boston. He points out how the whole thing is setting the stage for a large false flag event.


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