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Decontamination worker’s dead body found full of scars

Saturday, June 11, 2016 2:22
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(Before It's News)

According to Fukushima prefecture police, a decontamination worker’s dead body was found in the company area that he was working for on 5/16/2016.

The body is assumed to be the man in 40s, who had been missing since last Autumn.

Police found it in the gravel pit of the company area. The company undertakes decontamination works in Iwaki city. From juridical autopsy, intracranial injury was possibly the cause of death. There were several scars on the face and body.

The company president and 5 other employees and former employees were arrested for suspicion of abandonment of dead body.

No more details are reported.

Iori Mochizuki

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