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BLM vs Oregon Miners!

Friday, April 17, 2015 22:36
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         America 2.0 check out *Stray Dog Crew* This is a serious event on the BLM vs Oregon Miners!

 The Sugar Pine Mine* is the name of the claim. The Owners our; *Barclay and Backes. The two of them, have an open claim to dig there since 1846.

                    The claim itself is a “Load Claim” meaning; They have the rights to dig at the mine! 

A claim that old has to be pulling in gold! You bet ya!  The BLM knows this, that’s why, they want to steal the wealth of the land there. A total government scam grab!

Just like when the BLM went after the “Bundy Ranch” in Nevada. The Media gave the public a bullshit story! Said, they were selling the “Bundy Ranch” to the Chinese Government which was a lie…

Bundy’s Ranch sits on a wealth of “gold!” The BLM wanted to steal that. My guess, is the Bundy’s new there was gold their and used the cattle as a cover..




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