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Can’t Miss Interview- Doug Hagmann- Dave Hodges on UFO’s, JFK, WW III, Muslim Invasion

Thursday, October 29, 2015 22:24
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Doug and Joe Hagmann

Doug and Joe Hagmann


Doug Hagmann interviewed Dave Hodges on several critical  topics:

  1. The Muslim immigration crisis in Europe which is also beginning to happen here.
  2. How Dave is under attack for being a watchman on the wall.
  3. Dave’s revelations about his fathers work on reverse engineering Nazi technology. Exclusive information available nowhere else!!!
  4. The existence annd extent of a secret space program.
  5. The JFK assassination
  6. World War III




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Total 7 comments
  • I never trust Evangelical ZIONISTS. As Gerald Celente recently put it, “The old testament is not a property deed.” And even if it were, the Khazars are not the proper heirs.


    blaming the victims.

    treating symptoms ( mass immigration ) instead of seeking the ROOT OF THE PROBLEM.

    zionist overlords.

    hodges, hagman, common sense (misnomer), american patriot, due diligence…….ALL WORKING AT DISTRACTING FROM THE ACTUAL ONES CONTROLLING THE PLANET.


  • Can you publish the text, please? I am not sitting for over two hours to watch a video.

  • Trust me EraserHead – I Missed It. :mrgreen:

    “Don’t you miss it, don’t you miss it, some of you people just about missed it”.
    Talking Heads…

  • Hodges calls himself a “watchman on the wall”

    where have we heard that before. Oh Lynn Leahz ……

    On the ISIS _ ie Israeli Intelligence Services. how come they are Arabs attaqcking arabs on Israels border and not Israel when ewe all know all arabs hate the jewish state. Rather they are being cared for by the Jewish state.

    that proves these ISIS are actually jews. “By DECEPTION thou shalt do war.”

  • Hodges is a fear-mongering, Zionist lying jerk! The Hagmanns are enabling Hodges and others to perpetuate BS because they think everyone else is stupid and incapable of researching enough to call them out Hodges and others are so full of themselves they actually claim they are “targeted”. Anyone with a brain and a few hours will find Hodges and his buddies are just recycling each others BS. Hodges recites stories like Quayle, Horn and Marzulli. Anyone questioning them is called “demon-possessed” and they delete comments such as this because they fear being exposed. It is a sick, fictional mixture of Dispensationalism, current events and Zionism. They are as Hagmann said himself. “absolutely nuts.”

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