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By Lisa Haven
“Global Citizen is a community of people like you. People who want to learn about and take action on the world’s biggest challenges—and use their power to get other people involved too.” Global Citizen Website
If that isn’t a move into the New World Order, then I don’t know what is! Sadly, our world leaders are pushing full speed ahead into a global partnership, claiming that once this unification is complete we will have our long awaited “world peace”. But if truth be told there will be no peace, only a false peace that will arise for a time, and out of that all hell, tyranny, and chaos will abound on a scale never before witnessed in the history of mankind.
In the video below I expose their real agenda and how they are brainwashing our children into the mindset of thinking “globally” and for the “betterment of the whole” rather than individualism, which is where our freedom therein lies. I also delve through a website created by the elite themselves called, “Global Citizen”. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY urge you to watch this video in it’s entirety and share it with those who are still in the dark. In it I unveil the main event that’s yet to come….
“Global Citizen has one of the loudest voices in the room when fighting for important issues, and we’re having real impact on the decisions that our leaders make.” Global Citizen Website
But that’s not the only thing!!
On September 29th, the Department of Justice lined up with several U.S. cities to link globally to form a global police initiative they are calling, The Strong Cities Network. The initiative is being presented as a “global terror busting network that combats homegrown extremism.” Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced its formation during the United Nations General Assembly this past Tuesday. Cities who are participating include: New York City, Atlanta, Denver, Minneapolis, Paris, London, Montreal, Beirut, Oslo and thirteen others.
This is an outright handing over of our rights to a global unit! Please don’t’ miss this crucial report that harbors critical details about what awaits the world…
“…through the Strong Cities Network that we have unveiled today, we are making the first systematic effort in history to bring together cities around the world to share experiences, to pool resources and to forge partnerships in order to build local cohesion and resilience on a global scale. Today we tell every city, every town and every community that has lost the flower of its youth to a sea of hatred – you are not alone. We stand together and we stand with you.
“By connecting municipal leaders, facilitating information-sharing and providing training and other assistance where appropriate, the Strong Cities Network will help to fashion a global response to a global issue, without losing sight of its inherently local roots….It will provide a platform for discussing community policing and prevention strategies that safeguard the individual rights of citizens.
“…the Obama Administration is deeply committed to ensuring that the Strong Cities Network is as strong, vibrant and resilient as the cities it unites…
“When the representatives of the Strong Cities Network join together for their first Annual Summit in Paris in Spring 2016, they will be making a strong and clear statement to their citizens and to the world: we stand united against violence, united against fear and united in the pursuit of a better and brighter future.” Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch
More Critical Reads You Need to Hear by Lisa Haven! Click Here!
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For More Information See (video 1):
It’s Begun! US Cities Join Network To Form New World Order Police Force Targeting Homegrown Extremism—Patriots! Link:
Strong Cities Network-
For More Inforomation See (Video 2):
NY Daily News-
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch’s Announcement:
Strong Cities Website –
Successful deception … keeping you from Heaven … are the stunning lies against Catholic Dogma.
Lies by a heretic cult … pretending and claiming to be the Catholic Church since 8 December 1965.
Undeniable proof including photographic > > >
Catholic writing of Romans 9:27 >
“If the number … be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.”
Catholic writing of Saint James 2:10 >
“Whosoever shall … offend in one point, is become guilty of all.”
You are as bad as Lisa reposting the same garbage over and over again.
How much you get pay for demonize and character assassination Lisa?, if you don’t like what Lisa said, just don’t listen or read what she said, you are a pay troll of the government.
You’re not from here, are you?
Anonymous …Good read !
@Anonymous: I don’t get paid anything by the government but I wonder how much they pay Lisa to pretend to be an alternative “reporter” focused on fear mongering.
So, you’re a whore who doesn’t get paid instead of a prostitute who does get paid?
A whore DOES get paid. A whore is someone who does something antithetical to the mainstream idea of morality, for money.
A prostitute is someone who does something antithetical to the mainstream idea of morality, for money.
You really can’t see that there’s no distinction between the two? Think hard…. harder…… harder…….
Mike, don’t encourage it. You’re not helping sarah.
It is the noble slut, who gives it away. God bless em…..
You’re reading too much BIN. You’re getting paranoid…
Anonymous, I find that a very common accusation aimed at anyone who disagrees with a topic in the alternative media. It’s baseless and pathetic.
They just might have said something like that of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and several others over two thousand years ago when they kept repeating of the destruction of Jerusalem and its people….
The fool says there is no God and even many who claim there is a God have very little understanding of God’s ways; Why, because they refuse to read the Bible… God has used many to share His warnings over and over in the hope that the hearts of the people might turn to God so that He might save them before the destruction comes upon them and their nations…
Thank you very much , Mike !
I have been looking for these answers a long time. Appreciate this so much.
Accepting that you are born into a system that increasingly enslaves you, is something that most people do not want to think about!
Latest update on this agenda……
Yes the goverment has had a plan for a one world goverment an religion,
they have been trying to do this for decades!
and lisa haven reporting on it every week isnt going to change it!
nor do her false dates about the jade helm takeover of the united states she talked about
by the way isnt jade helm now over, Ohh isnt her stupid October Shemitah end of the world date over too,
dont forget when she said that post about a nuclear bomb on the 9/11 anniversary last year!
there are a ton of these so called end of the world SCENRIOS in the MORE STORIES field ,
right beside Recommend contributor and Recommend Story!
Dosent anyone else find it funny lisa’s real name isnt LISA HAVEN!
You no who else changes there names, Zionist Hollywood !
all she wants to do is become a youtube star!
every video you watch of hers, YES SHE GETS PAID!
so what better yet to get paid by views then telling people they are all going to die!
All this lady does is sit at home thinking about death,carnage,negativity, and fear mongering!
she relies on those who are weak, to scare them into buying buying buying supplies for every month the world
is suppose to end according to lisa, for someone who is so christrians an god loving sure does,
have alot of built up hate,fear,negativity and loves to scare people!
if you read her articles in more stories not only will you find false dates that never happend!
but articles she wrote and in those articles she talks about how you cannot trust mainstream media!
but then again her articles are based on finding articles in mainstream news outlits an re writting them,
to her own bias opinions! that fit her fear mongering ideology,
lisa dosent care about anyone, her articles speak volumes!
shes waiting an stewing for a huge nuclear catastrophe, and wants it to happend! so she can be the first to say!
Not only that, lets also mention the fact she has multiple accounts on bin, just like lyn does!
and they both troll regular commenters, who argue an/or expose them in there comment section!
this is why both of them are starting to make it so you cannot comment on there articles!
Im just glad im seeing people dissagreeing an waking up to this bullcrap,
the only thing that will stop this satanist one world goverment, is us!
we all have to stand together unite and say, we dont want this!
The only one getting brainwashed is you Lisa. Why do you have so much fear in your heart?
She’s trying to be as fearful as possible to receive Ooga Booga Booga Points but The Clucker isn’t going to give them up that easily. She needs the points so she can convert them Chuck E Cheese tokens for ski ball games to win tickets that she can use to redeem a glow in the dark bouncy ball.
You should be proud of your Ooga Booga Booga Points and not just give them up to anyone no matter what they or how they make you feel.
I knew she was saving up for that. She just loves balls.
“She just loves balls.”
This explains why she is so close to Lyn Leahz
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking about severed appendages.
Ooga Booga Booga points are what gives this site a semblance of stability.
Allowing Lisa the opportunity to grow her ball collection is a blessing from the Cluckmaster General, and the Army of The 12 Monkeys.
Hello Angle#1,
Charlie here. YES! Satan is STRONG on this one. When we have removed our Christianity, and then our Constitution, and finally your capitalism, you will be without your God, without your law, and without your money. The purpose is to leave you culturally destitute and naked so they can put a boot on your neck.
Then you will be ready for them to weaken your resolve for illegal immigration (they can invade your land but you cannot invade their land) and disarm you like a good global citizen (all other countries disarm their citizens) and tax you to death (cannot buy or sell unless you have their “mark of the beast”).
Yes, a people not ready for the Lord, but a people prepared for the DEVIL and his works.
Charlie (T minus 13 doughnut days for the BIG ONE)
“Earth Mother in bad labor. She gonna give birth to something great. She already in first labor hours… She be in great pain now… It be great Phoenix that gonna rise up again just like all times ago. He already here… He been forming for years now. He all ready to break out of Earth Mother’s womb… She gonna give up great Phoenix soon…”
In her summary of The Phoenix Chronicles, Mary Summer Rain listed some signs of the times and the birth of the Phoenix:
“Contraction/Economic Aspects — massive blue collar strikes, relocation of key factories overseas, computerization of factories, extended import & export embargoes & taxations, increased unemployment, widespread factory shutdowns, excessive taxation, small business failures, insolvency of many banks, stock market misdealings & decline, drastic construction decline, devaluation of real estate, increase in corporate crime, drop in level of manufactured goods, increase of corporate monopolies & takeovers, widespread layoffs, runaway credit purchases, cash as only accepted tender.
“Emerging/Natural Disasters — Major devastation in California, earthquakes in new areas, inactive craters become unsettled, mountains become unstable, return of the dust bowl, record-breaking flooding, tornadoes increase intensity and occasion, liquefaction of soil beneath faults, increased hurricane devastation, freak wind gusts & accidents, soil erosion, increased radon levels, rock & mud slides, insect infestations, sink holes, rapid temperature inversions, frigid winters & deadly blizzards, summer storms with intensified hail & lightning, seeping natural gas (fires & explosions), underground fires, widespread surface blazes, major quake of the New Madrid Fault… Greenish hue to atmosphere… Phoenix days…
“Eyes Searching/Transportation Accidents — Plane crashes increase, shipping disasters increase, higher incidence of train derailments & accidents.
“Listening/Freak Deaths & Accidents — Amusement park disasters, increase in homicide & suicide, freak household accidents, disease outbreaks, several catastrophic propane explosions, germ warfare release accident.
“Breath Heaving/Discord Between Nations — Grave economical differences, arms escalation, warring altercations, terrorism increases, undeclared wars, clandestine dealing between countries, high level secrecy.
“Wings Flexing/Spiritual Unrest & Awakening — Questioning masses, political church actions, government interventions, repression from certain religious sects, increased UFO sightings, interaction with other intelligences, acceptance of paranormal, acceptance of ongoing spirit afterlife, more religious sects going to court to force their personal restrictions on general public.
“The Wailing/Nuclear Incident — Several close meltdowns & leaks, seeping radioactive dump sites, two catastrophic meltdowns,radioactive pollution of land & rivers, several major accidents of nuclear missile trucks carriers and the transportation of nuclear waste, radioactive releases caused from geological instability.
“Talons Tensing/Civil Unrest — People’s revolt and resistance movements, draft evasion, public’s discovery of coverups, nuclear exchange.
“Crouching/Massive Revolts & Government Turnaround — Taxation refusals, war resistance, policy disagreements within government body, major upheavals within governments.
“Flying Free/Rise of the Age of Peace — Total equality among people, discontinuance of all meat ingestion, construction reforms, cessation of most severe natural disasters, pollution-free energy innovations by way of the Earth’s magnetic field, rise of the Indian nation through widespread adaptation of its Ways of natural living and deep human philosophy.”
Yeah, I won’t ever be clicking on one of her ‘articles’ again. She’s obviously just click baiting when changing her title every five minutes.
Who writes your headlines….go on you can say. You’ve already let the cat out of the bag several times about being “handed” stuff – by whom? Or don’t you know either? Just take the cash and run with the stories. oh i know you do your own “research” for their headlines in an attempt to make yourdself look authentic but you don’t fool anyone except yourself. You see the fruit of our work depends on our motives. when our motives are good we will have done some good regardless of how insignificant we think it is. But when our prime motive is mammon dishonesty is inherent in our actions and the fruit is inherently bad for everybody deceived by this and naturally for ourselves. You can go on deceiving yourself being blinded by the money but in the end all we have for our life’s work is a heap of worms.
I made a disparaging remark about this reporter and although no profanity was used I was immediately banned by a person named Michael. So, I’ll just say, thank you, Sister Lisa. When you just change the headline without adding anything, you get more of your message out to we Heathens as we just click on your same stories over and over, making us even SMARTER!!!!!
God Bless, and hopefully I won’t get banned this time!
Lisa, Please stop saying “Yadda, Yadda.” It make you sound stupid.
Know thy enemy! Matthew 13:25
If you don’t believe that Lisa is telling the truth or that she is spreading fear, then have the back bone to go to the U.N. site and read their plan for us. (UN Agenda 2030)
Obama has already signed us up for it, and if you don’t have the time or energy to go read about it, then you certainly won’t have the time or energy to go fight its implementation……not that you’d notice it, subtle as it will be.
Besides, educating is not spreading fear. It’s the pre-emptive dispelling of fear and the opportunity to make changes to a plan that would rob us of our freedoms.
The hecklers here don’t care about Americans freedoms. Likely because they have another agenda.
Listen to this video @ 3:00 forward about Clinton doing away with EMP Hardening on US Weapons systems so they would resist a impact , talk about making us vulnerable , Hilary needs to be asked about how she will fix this ???
And listen to this guy about our Vulnerability to EMP blast , and we have Iran making the Bomb !!!!!!!!!!
Lisa, something you said, stood out to me and I think it explains everything.
“thinking “globally” and for the “betterment of the whole” rather than individualism, which is where our freedom therein lies.” Your statement was a condemnation of the idea that the world should live peacefully, and in a harmonious society. For once, I’m inclined to agree.
Individualism: the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual.
“Satan to us is a symbol of pride, liberty and individualism” – Church of Satan website
Sound familiar, Lisa? You know, I used to laugh at people who called you a Satanist, because they’re obviously referring to the Biblical Satan. You sound more and more like a LaVeyan, all the time. It’s time you owned it.
“I used to laugh at people who called you a Satanist, because they’re obviously referring to the Biblical Satan. You sound more and more like a LaVeyan, all the time.”
This is by far your biggest mistake, Bill. You actually see a difference where there is none.
There was only ever ONE Person Satan tried to get to worship him. The Man, Jesus Christ. Everyone else, Satan tricks into worshipping themselves. That’s because there is no easier sell to this race of willfully deluded hoopleheads called Adam-kind.
Ye SHALL be as gods.
That you can’t see the reality of that fact for what it is, just might be what makes you who you are.
I have to disagree, Walter. LaVeyan Satanism asserts that there are no gods, of any kind. The idea of “Ye shall be as gods”, in this instance, is simply the glorification of man, for both what he is, and what he isn’t: man is an animal, and he beholden to no one or nothing, but himself. At least, that’s the way I read it. How can man be a god, if there’s no gods?
The distinction I make between the Biblical and LaVeyan Satan, is that one is an ethereal boogeyman. and one is a symbol of rebellion against repressive religions.
I’m aware of the old saying about “The greatest trick ever played on man”, but it seems too convenient, to have a an all-encompassing way out of a challenge.
“That you can’t see the reality of that fact for what it is, just might be what makes you who you are.”
I’m not sure what to make of this statement. The lack of inflection makes it sound vaguely condescending, but that’s not your usual style. Could you please elaborate?
“The idea of “Ye shall be as gods”, in this instance, is simply the glorification of man, for both what he is, and what he isn’t…”
What he isn’t? What is there, implicitly, in LaVeyan ideology that sells man short or tells man there’s something he isn’t? Nothing, as far as I can tell. Not from the positive perspective, that is. Clearly, Satanism (in all of its variants, which are really no variants at all) tells man he isn’t created by the King of Heaven, but that’s not what I mean. Satanism preaches, All that thou wilt and all that thou want shall be thine. Where is any admission of wanting or lacking?
“…man is an animal, and he beholden to no one or nothing, but himself.”
What sort of animal is it that is on the road to godhood? Only one kind. So not just an animal. A very special kind of beast. There is no such humility inherent in any satanic ideology as the kind you suggest. Man is never content imagining himself as an animal. He knows he’s something more than that. We all know it. The boundary between men and animals is almost too immense to conceive of all at once. Boundaries of that scope are only overlooked by those for whom it is convenient to their purposes NOT to look; and it is overlooked by those who will not see.
“At least, that’s the way I read it. How can man be a god, if there’s no gods?”
He can’t be. But herein lies the most obvious plot hole of the satanic ideologies.
“The distinction I make between the Biblical and LaVeyan Satan, is that one is an ethereal boogeyman. and one is a symbol of rebellion against repressive religions.”
One is an ethereal boogeyman. That’s a good description of him. That’s what he is. He just happens to be very real. And he is also a symbol of rebellion against the Laws of the Most High. Satan may in fact preach rebellion against the religions he founded – which are in fact but one religion – but that’s because Satan is inconsistent and moves against himself when it suits his purposes. Man’s mind is weak and variable, so Satan needs a multi-dimensional system suited to weak and variable minds. Very often, this means placing sister factions of the same Beast System at odds with each other and sometimes at war with each other. This is nothing new.
“I’m aware of the old saying about “The greatest trick ever played on man”, but it seems too convenient, to have a an all-encompassing way out of a challenge.”
It’s just an all-encompassing excuse. The problem is, there are no excuses. That is to say, In That Day we will find that any excuse we can look to for support, will be a broken reed that when a man leans on will pierce the flesh of his hand.
I wrote:
“That you can’t see the reality of that fact for what it is, just might be what makes you who you are.”
You replied:
“I’m not sure what to make of this statement. The lack of inflection makes it sound vaguely condescending, but that’s not your usual style. Could you please elaborate?”
Not condescending. But the vagary written into my statement was purely intentional. You know what to make of it probably better than I do. You ask for specifics? This much I can give you: The things you say and do which you find meritorious, you are preoccupied with receiving credit for; credit you feel you are due. You’ve said as much in the past. And that you find in man anything worth worshipping, is the big soggy rotten spot in your fruit. In fine, my meaning is this – Since you insist upon creating a distinction in your mind between the Boogeyman and the Rebel, when there is no such distinction in actual fact, you set yourself up as a willing sacrifice upon the altar of the Ba’alim. Upon the altar of Belial. This is true because you see in man, and in yourself in particular, something righteous and just and worthy of worship. But those things you see in man appear to you as they do solely because you altogether underestimate righteousness and justice and worthiness.
I wrote:
“At least, that’s the way I read it. How can man be a god, if there’s no gods?”
You replied:
“He can’t be. But herein lies the most obvious plot hole of the satanic ideologies.”
I have to agree with you, Walter. There are glaring discrepancies, in the COS doctrine. The need for ritual is one that sticks out the most, for me. Why the need for rituals, when there is no deity being worshiped? Some say it’s a tool for psychic “decompression”, but I’m not sure I buy that.
” So not just an animal. A very special kind of beast.”
But a beast, all the same. The best way to describe it in the context of the CoS, it’s probably best to go to the source, itself.
From the 9 Satanic Statements:
“Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!” I can’t help but agree with this. Mankind (or Adamkind, if you prefer) is the most vicious animal of all.
“Satan needs a multi-dimensional system suited to weak and variable minds.”
One could say the same, for all faiths. All faiths depend on followers who are prepared to have their thinking done for them. This is not to say that all who believe in God are weak-minded. Many are very intelligent, and very good, kind people. As it applies to Christianity, these are the ones who are more Christlike, than Christian. They are, however, in the minority (in my opinion).
“The things you say and do which you find meritorious, you are preoccupied with receiving credit for; credit you feel you are due. You’ve said as much in the past”
You’re absolutely right, Walter. If I build a house with no assistance, do I congratulate someone else on a job well done? This has been a sticking point with religion as a whole. If you accomplish something good, it’s because it’s God’s will; not because you worked hard, and achieved good results. Conversely, if something bad happens, it’s all your fault. If my work brings me happiness, whether emotional or material, I don’t see the harm in feeling a sense of pride.
“And that you find in man anything worth worshipping, is the big soggy rotten spot in your fruit.”
See, that’s where I fall short with Satanism. I see nothing in mankind worth worshiping. In fact, I don’t find anything worth worshiping, anywhere. Worship requires a measure of submission, with which I’m not comfortable. It’s my opinion that living a good life and minimizing the damage I do while I’m alive, is worship enough.
In my mind, worshiping man is no different than worshiping a deity. It’s merely swapping one object of worship, for another. Mankind can, and will deify just about anything. The unbridled arrogance in LaVey’s work has always been a big reason, I’ve never committed to his religion. Peter Gilmore’s works are more rooted in humility, and is more suited to my personal way of seeing things.
“The problem is, there are no excuses. That is to say, In That Day we will find that any excuse we can look to for support, will be a broken reed that when a man leans on will pierce the flesh of his hand.”
I couldn’t agree more. If and when the “Final Judgement” comes, I’ve always maintained that I’ll accept my fate, without protest. I’m more than willing to take the repercussions for my actions, as long as they’re MY actions. If I did something that religion (for sake of argument) approved of, and they turned out to be contrary to God’s actual will, then I’d be condemned to hell, because I was led to believe that I was doing the right thing. If I go to Heaven, I want it to be because I earned it, and the same goes with Hell. If I am to be judged, I don’t want to have any excuses. My righteousness, or lack thereof, will be evident by how I lived- not by whom I was lied to.
“This is true because you see in man, and in yourself in particular, something righteous and just and worthy of worship.”
I’m not worthy of worship, nor would I want to be worshiped. Man, even less so. Hell, I feel uncomfortable, receiving praise of any kind. Besides, could you imagine the kind of people who would worship a (to borrow a term from you and Al Swearengen) Hooplehead, like me? I don’t do anything worthy of worship. I just do what I feel is required, at any given time- good, bad, or indifferent; and let the chips fall where they may.
“Some say it’s a tool for psychic “decompression”, but I’m not sure I buy that.”
Yes you are. You know you don’t buy it. Neither does any thinking Satanist.
“Mankind (or Adamkind, if you prefer) is the most vicious animal of all.”
Now we’re speaking the same language. Adam-kind is wicked and is therefore not worthy to be worshipped.
“One could say the same, for all faiths. All faiths depend on followers who are prepared to have their thinking done for them.”
All religions, perhaps. Not the Scriptures. The written Word DEMANDS that all who properly apply the lessons found within it, are to test and to prove EVERYTHING. Everything needs to be confirmed. Everything needs to be contemplated. Everything needs to be examined and studied. The written Word is actually very clear on these points; the Word, rightly divided and rightly applied, does not teach us WHAT to think… it teaches us HOW to think. And of all possible realities – one of them demands that these Instructions are in fact given to us (the creation) by our Creator. That makes the Bible the single most important document anyone alive can ever read, as it concerns proper mental exercise, organization and conduct.
“They are, however, in the minority (in my opinion).”
That’s not an opinion. That’s an observable fact which is in direct accord with the way the Word said things would be. It’s how things are.
“If I build a house with no assistance, do I congratulate someone else on a job well done?”
No other man deserves credit for your work. But you would owe credit (and many thanks) to your Creator for the following:
1. Teaching you the skills needed to perform the task. (That’s right – everything you learn in this world is TAUGHT to you by something, even if you think you’re teaching yourself. The Most High makes it possible for you to learn and He teaches you the things you know and the things you need to know.)
2. Providing you with a sound body with which to perform the tasks involved and the substance needed to fuel that body.
3. Providing you with a sound mind with which to envision, plan and execute the tasks involved.
4. Making available to you the materials needed to complete the task involved. (Who paid for material is beside the point. That material is even available to you at all, is the point.)
5. Your Maker must provide the ground on which to construct your foundation.
6. Your Maker must provide the Laws of Physics, and must provide you with UNDERSTANDING of these Laws sufficiently, so that your structure may stand.
7. Your Maker must provide the conditions for you to build safely. You must be free from war, from inclement weather and from natural or man-made catastrophe.
Do you begin to see the folly of your ways? You can do nothing at all without perpetual and virtually unlimited assistance from on High. Your every though, every breath, every step and every deed is utterly dependent on your Maker. What noise is this then about you getting all the credit? Why should you get ANY of the credit? Why do you think you are OWED any? Are those your eyes? Are they your hands?
“…not because you worked hard, and achieved good results.”
You can work hard and achieve good results. But again, there but by the grace of your Maker… Nothing you have and nothing you are comes to you solely because of you. Why not look at it like this, which is how He Instructs us to look at it: preoccupy yourself with giving credit where credit is DUE. Give Him the credit. Then, if you are worthy to be credited, HE will credit you accordingly. He can keep a much more accurate tally than you ever could, anyway. Why, when you do not know how to properly disburse credit, are you concerned with giving any credit to yourself?
“Conversely, if something bad happens, it’s all your fault.”
Bad things happen as a direct and indirect result of our not following His Instructions. The bad things that happen then, are indeed our fault.
“If my work brings me happiness, whether emotional or material, I don’t see the harm in feeling a sense of pride.”
Not pride, Bill. Joy. Good work – that is to say, right work done rightly, and for the right reasons – brings joy. And joy is indeed one of the rewards of a job well done. But the credit goes UP. If any of it comes back down on you, then so be it. That’s all an affair between you and your Maker.
“I see nothing in mankind worth worshiping.”
This may be the thing that makes your (successful) existence in this world yet possible.
“Worship requires a measure of submission, with which I’m not comfortable.”
This is partly owing to arrogance and pride. (We’re all arrogant and proud to some degree.) It is also owing to the fact that you steadfastly refuse to analyze this creation apart from what you’ve been taught by enemies of the Most High. For example, given enough ‘ass-time’ we should all be able to see through the brazen ruse of evolution. Evolution is a non-starter. The difference between the animal kingdom and the race of Adam-kind is another. Adam-kind is a quantum leap beyond any of the animals in too many ways to enumerate. This is no fluke. Neither is it attributable to dumb luck and lots of time. It just isn’t. Our Heavens and this Earth DEMAND a Creator. There is no getting around that fact if one applies sound thought and honesty to the equation. And the existence of a Creator demands that something is worthy to be worshipped. If we don’t worship our Creator, we will inherently end up worshipping ourselves. And worship of anything BUT our Creator is tantamount to worship of the Ba’alim.
“It’s my opinion that living a good life and minimizing the damage I do while I’m alive, is worship enough.”
It is unfortunate for you that your opinion on that matter is unqualified. You are not qualified to make such a determination because you LACK the necessary data to indeed reach a qualified conclusion about worship and what is enough. Sometimes, opinions are all we have because we stand in lack of certain knowledge. But at those times, our opinions are rarely, if ever, enough.
“Peter Gilmore’s works are more rooted in humility, and is more suited to my personal way of seeing things.”
Earlier when we were discussing Satan’s multi-dimensional and variable faction(ed) Beast System, this is the main reason I had in mind for why he’s crafted his system the way he has. If we go in search of an ideology which suits both our nature and our character, we will ALWAYS be able to find what we’re looking for. The problem with that is we’re searching for what we WANT. We should NEVER search for what we want when we’re in pursuit of Truth. Make void the desires when seeking. Eliminate all hoped for aspects and just follow the course where it leads. IN THIS WAY, we can find what we never even knew to want in the first place. Because Truth as revealed is always better, far better, than our meager pre-conceptions of the truth. This is one reason for why we are commanded to deny ourselves. If we don’t deny ourselves, we become an insurmountable impediment to our own progress.
“I’ve always maintained that I’ll accept my fate, without protest.”
We’ll see about that. My sense is you’ll be shocked cold at the true extent of the bill you’re handed. But the real tragedy of your statement is that you don’t conceive the scope of how you’re selling yourself short by not participating now in what will determine your role and your position in the ages to come.
“If I did something that religion (for sake of argument) approved of, and they turned out to be contrary to God’s actual will, then I’d be condemned to hell, because I was led to believe that I was doing the right thing.”
No. We will all pay what we owe. You won’t be condemned on account of ignorance. But your ignorance will be shown for what it is – you are to blame for your own ignorance. We all are. Now there may be exceptions to this, but the exceptions prove the rule. None of us are without blame. Not even for our own ignorance.
“If I go to Heaven, I want it to be because I earned it…”
If you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, it will NOT BE because you earned it. How can I say this? Because NONE of us can earn our way into the Kingdom. We must be forgiven our debts, which debts we cannot repay. You struggle with this concept because you do not rightly esteem the true magnitude of our debt to our Maker. We are in grave debt, Bill. All of us are. The Instructions from on High help us to see this matter clearly for what it is and why it is the way it is.
“Hell, I feel uncomfortable, receiving praise of any kind.”
So do I. But that doesn’t mean I don’t LIKE to be praised. At least, my beast-nature likes it, craves it, as most beast-natures do. But why would we be uncomfortable about it? Why should we be? Contemplate this. It’s certainly not because we’re inherently modest or humble creatures.
“I just do what I feel is required, at any given time- good, bad, or indifferent; and let the chips fall where they may.”
As a fellow sojourner across this world we inhabit, in search of (I believe) many of the same things, having seen what I have seen I can tell you this unequivocally: You can do better than that. You are in fact expected to.