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Home Depot Makes HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT In Trump’s New America!

Monday, March 6, 2017 14:26
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Home improvement giant Home Depot announced it will be hiring more than 80,000 new employees this year to meet staffing needs during the spring season.

The company seeks to hire new employees in positions ranging from cashiers to freight handlers to customer service representatives. The hiring push comes as the company heads into a traditionally busy time of the year, as people begin spring landscaping and other home projects.

In an effort to expedite hiring, the company has streamlined the application process by allowing prospective employees to apply via mobile phones and tablet devices. The company claims the application process takes an average of 15 minutes.
“We want everyone to have an easy and convenient experience with The Home Depot, whether they’re shopping with us or applying for a position,” said Tim Crow, the retailer’s executive vice president for human resources, in a statement on the hiring drive.

Many of the positions will be for seasonal associates, but the company says some of the new hires will be given long-term employment past the spring based on the needs of the store.

Over half of Home Depot’s seasonal hires are given permanent placement with hourly rates ranging from $9.37-$13.78 for a standard sales associate, based on wage data.

During the presidential campaign, Home Depot’s co-founder Bernard Marcus found himself targeted by critics after he endorsed a Donald Trump presidency.


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