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Migrants RIOT over at lack of phone signal

Monday, March 6, 2017 15:17
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(Before It's News)

Has Merkel apologized yet?

The enemedia and political elites still peddle the myth that these are desperate war refugees grateful to be alive. These gimme gimme invaders are intent on destroying our countries having destroyed their own.

Riot breaks out at German refugee site over ‘lack of phone signal’

A RIOT broke out at a refugee centre in Germany after a group of migrants smashed up their accommodation with iron bars over the lack of phone signal.

By Vickiie Oliphant and Monika Pallenberg, The Express, Mar 6, 2017:

Two men from Togo and six from Ghana reportedly went berserk at their asylum home in Rees-Haldern, near the Dutch border, just a DAY after moving in.

The eight men were returning from a food shopping trip when they began to complain they were “unhappy” with their new quarters.

The gang claimed phone signal was not available anywhere in the building and complained the camp was too hard to find as it was so secluded.

And they added they were worried important mail – such as their asylum application – wouldn’t arrive and that they wouldn’t be able to contact family.

On their return to the centre, the men tried to break into the security room where officers were forced to barricade themselves in for their own safety as they threatened staff with iron bars.

When they were unable to get inside the office, the men aged between 18 and 25 instead laid waste to furniture, windows, doors and fittings.

Two dozen armed police responded to the emergency calls from staff at the centre, as the men contined to storm the camp.

Despite resistance, officers were able to overpower the rioters – although one police officer injured his foot in the scuffle.

Reports suggest he may have suffered a “complicated” break in one foot, although whether this was the result of a blow from one of the migrants is unclear.

The gang claimed phone signal was not available anywhere in the building
After the Saturday night riot all eight men were arrested and are now awaiting trail on charges of a serious breach of the peace, criminal damage, resisting arrest, causing actual bodily harm and property damage.

However investigations are still ongoing.

German police reported last year that they have had to turn out hundreds of times to accommodation centres for refugees because of infighting that turned violent.


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