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Susan Rice’s White House Unmasking: A Watergate-style Scandal : Andrew C. McCarthy
Six questions raised by the report Susan Rice unmasked names of Trump advisers: Todd Shepherd
Susan Rice Doesn’t Deny Unmasking Trump Associates: John Hinderaker
Obamagate’s Truth Is Stranger Than Orwell’s Fiction: George Neumayr
McConnell: We have votes for nuclear option on Neil Gorsuch: Susan Crabtree
5 Susan Rice Scandal Facts Every American Must Know: Breitbart
Winning the Civil War of Two Americas: Daniel Greenfield
Protests Won’t Stop Trump – Why Not a Magic Spell?: RWN
Great Again: Illegal Immigration Down 67 Percent Under Trump: RWN
The Obama Government Interfered in Our Election – and the Media Is Covering It Up: EIB
The Media Gives Short Schiff to Obamagate: George Neumayr
Nunes' Disclosures May Signal a Watergate-Level Scandal: Peter Wallison
EconomyStupid Is as Stupid Does: Jim Quinn
Leftism is a destructive force: Daley Gator
Fauxcahontas have big words bout equal pay – but her squaws make less wampum: DailyWire
Scandal CentralHouse Intel Dem: If Flynn Was Unmasked, It Would Have To Be Rice Who Did It: Kerry Picket
House Intel Panel Wants Susan Rice To Testify: ZH
DOJ Seized 541 Guns from this Man with no Charges Filed, but He Fought Back: GITN
Climate, Energy & RegulationsKiller Cold: WUWT
MediaMark Levin Interviews FNC’s Housley: We ‘will know’ If Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Loretta Lynch Knew About Unmasking: Daily Rushbo
Ari Fleischer: It's Not Too Late for the Media: Ace
Sen. Feinstein in 2006: You Can't Filibuster a SCOTUS Nominee Because You Disagree With Them: Nathan Lichtman
CNN's Mob Lawyer for the Obama Administration: Ace
Marvel Exec Acknowledges Comic Sales Tanking After Focusing On Social Justice Warrior Topics: RWN
SJW-on-SJW Violence: Ace
WorldWhite House Officials Divided on Islam, ISIS, Israel and Iran: Soeren Kern
The Cautionary Tale of Samantha Power: Seth Mandel
World’s biggest nuclear sub to show off in the Baltic: Barents Observer
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)23 things artificially intelligent computers can do better/faster/cheaper than you can: Seth Godin
The US Air Force Is Reorganizing to Fight in Space: Marcus Weisgerber
Facebook appeal over New York search warrants fails: John Ribeiro
CornucopiaQuis Custodiet Iipsos Custodes?: MOTUS
The 10 Questions Andrea Mitchell Didn’t Ask Susan Rice: Mike Doran
Legacy: Sondrakistan
Image: Senate plunges toward historic rules change in Supreme Court standoff
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
QOTD: “This morning, Susan Rice turned to the friendly confines of MSNBC to respond to explosive allegations about her role in the Obama spy/leak scandal. Host Andrea Mitchell did all she could to make Rice feel at home. She asked no tough questions, failed to follow up on evasive answers, and sometimes jumped in to reinforce claims made by Rice…
…Amazingly, Rice got through a 16-minute interview without ever confirming or denying that she unmasked associates of President Trump… the bottom line is that Rice refused to say whether she had unmasked (or requested unmasking) of Trump associates.” –John Hinderaker