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Man forcibly removed from United flight at O’Hare

Monday, April 10, 2017 7:42
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The story is here.

So here is what we know…

1) When you purchase a plane ticket, you agree to be bumped if necessary. You will be compensated for the inconvenience but accepting the bump it isn’t optional. You agree to this with the purchase of the ticket.

2) Airlines overbook to make sure they don’t fly with empty planes. Full planes keep fares low which is something customers want. First class tickets are never bumped. A less expensive ticket includes the risk of being bumped.

3) Airlines use algorithms to predict no-shows but no prediction method is perfect.

4) As in ships on the high seas in the past, captains of aircraft have broad authority to manage their craft.

5) If law enforcement officers give you a lawful order, you must comply. Failure to comply always results in force.

We are all shocked and appalled to see this sort of force used, but at least one of the points above would need to change in order to prevent this.



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