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By Moonbattery (Reporter)
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Mobs of Savages Prevent Speech in Defense of Law and Order

Monday, April 10, 2017 5:49
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(Before It's News)

It is not an exaggeration to say that due to moonbattery, civilization is beginning to break down:

A throng of angry protesters converged at Claremont McKenna College on Thursday and effectively shut down a pro-police speech as they surrounded the building, forcing the speaker to give the talk via livestream to a near-empty room as they yelled “F*ck the police” and “Black Lives Matter” and banged on windows.

Heather Mac Donald, a Manhattan Institute scholar and author of the 2016 book “The War on Cops,” even gave her talk earlier than originally planned at the preppy and private Southern California campus because of the rowdy crowd estimated at more than 250 protesters, she told The College Fix via email Thursday.

Thirty minutes into the speech, police officers told her to cut it short, and she was given a four-officer escort through a side door and safely through some surprised protesters who had flanked that exit, Mac Donald said.

Just a day previously, she had been shouted down for speaking supportively of police at UCLA.

This is the viewpoint that Mac Donald is not permitted to express:

Mac Donald made the argument that there is no government agency more dedicated to the proposition that Black Lives Matter than the police, and that proactive policing has helped reduce serious crime in predominantly black neighborhoods — but that the false Black Lives Matter narrative hurts innocent black lives as police pull back and violent crime rises.

It took thousands of years for advanced civilization to evolve out of mobs of savages. Whether this feat will be repeated remains to be seen.

How defenders of civilization like Mac Donald are characterized by the mob.

On a tip from Jester.


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