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Ms. Magazine Pushes Muslim “Feminist” Rapper’s ‘Wrap My Hijab’ Video

Monday, April 10, 2017 6:25
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No matter how many journalists’ heads are hacked off by devout jihadists, the enemedia never tires of shilling, promoting and advancing Islam.

The ceaseless proselyting (dawah) by these breathless would-be victims is astonishing.

Is there any more offensive, anti-woman garment than the hijab?

Is there any more offensive, anti-woman system of governance than the sharia?

Here is further proof of what a phony movement “feminism” really is. Feminist groups never speak of the Islamic savagery of FGM, honor violence, sex slavery or the subjugation of women under Islam. Instead, we get vicious propaganda like this.

“Ms. Magazine Pushes Muslim Feminist Rapper’s ‘Wrap My Hijab’ Video,” by Tim Graham, NewsBusters, April 9, 2017:

The radical feminists at Ms. magazine are thrilled by a hip-hop mishap. It’s a video for a rap song that “makes a feminist statement” titled “Hijabi.” Women repeatedly chant “wrap my hijab, wrap my hijab, wrap my hijab.”

Somehow, there is no ideological or theological tension between the secular libertinism of the Ms. crowd and the Muslims who appear orthodox enough to hide their hair from anyone but their husband in the home.

Ms. intern Meliss Artiega explained:

…Haydar’s song showcases how divergent—and empowered—Muslim women of color can be, and it calls out minority extremists who exist within her own religion and anyone who paints Muslims all the same.“Make a feminist planet, women haters get banished,” Haydar remarks in the video—speaking to feminists and antifeminists alike. “Covered up or not don’t ever take us for granted.”

Haydar has been an ambassador of sorts, holding “Ask A Muslim” events to draw attention to the idea that Muslims are just normal Americans like you….


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