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Alien And Craft Photographed Over Newton Abbot Devon Again

Monday, March 27, 2017 13:27
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Hi Ken
I couldn’t sleep so I decided to go outside and sky watch while it was still pitch black. The street lights were all switched off giving me great visible of the sky. I was outside for a while before I noticed something blue flickering in the night sky right in front of me and it reminded me of a blue flame from a gas stove but it wasn’t quite as bright. I also noticed that it was not a solid object and was more like an opening or a portal in the sky. I was staring intently into blue opening when something caught my gaze. I could see something from within that seemed to be moving around. I could then see some type of alien entity that was looking right in my direction. The entity raised its arm and pointed its finger at me. I couldn’t  believe  what  I  was  seeing  I  was  very excited and I quickly took a photograph. I then waved at the entity to see if I could get a response of some kind and to my amazement the Alien entity tip it’s head forwards as if to acknowledge me. The alien entity then seemed to step back and the  blue flickering opening then stated to fade from view until it was no longer visible. I was left standing there in ore of what I had just witnessed. Wow. The photograph was taken on the 26th of March at 5:55 AM at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John
KENS NOTE:  I have been working with John Mooner for many years.  He has send me some incredible photos in the past and he works for me as the Chief Photographer for World UFO Photos.  John was abducted last year and I feel these aliens are trying to contact him again.   John lives in a UFO hot spot in Newton Abbot Devon and I feel John is very credible and a hard working Ufologist.


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