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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Curse Of The Man Who Sees UFOs (Video)

Monday, March 6, 2017 7:37
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Curse Of The Man Who Sees UFOs. I come to spread the gospel of this documentary. Parallels with my own life to leave me breathless. Filled with UFO footage that is so great that if you don’t believe you will probably after watching this film.
If not you’re probably a dumb a$$ like the star of the show says. lol I believe its on Netflix. Loved it. Going to try to find him for the show hopefully.. I do believe what he is seeing is UFO possibly light beings or luminous beings aka us without our bodies.
Some could be craft but definitely not a plane! He also claims a UFO made him crap his pants. ha

Christo Roppolo claims to have seen UFOs since childhood, and as an adult, he has collected hours of footage of strange crafts floating across the Monterey, California skies. We follow Roppolo, a charismatic and slightly foul-mouthed enthusiast, as he relays experiences of unexplained phenomena.

Director Justin Gaar looks well beyond the case for UFOs and turns the focus towards Roppolo, a filmmaker, a musician and a horror fanatic. Roppolo sheds light on personal tragedies that shaped him as an adult, and why this unrelenting obsession also brings him inner peace.

Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy


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  • raburgeson

    Once you have seen them it is kind of boring after that. Unless they become friendly and abduct you all you can say is I saw another one. Really, find someone that has seen them more than once and they are not living in fear from just seeing them.

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