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Supernatural Superstitious Mountains

Thursday, March 30, 2017 12:05
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Supernatural Superstitious Mountains
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations – HPI International.!/groups/HPIinternational/
Sacramento Haunted Paranormal Hotline: (916) 203-7503 – 4 Advice & Investigations
Email: [email protected]

When I was a little boy, I went with my family to Superstitious Mountains. As we drove by this range, I could not stop looking at this mountain. As a little boy, I was fascinated with the tale of the Lost Dutchman Mine. I wanted to know if there was truly a hidden treasure at this mountain? Was there a mother lode of gold waiting to be found? Was there something supernatural about this mountain range?

When I was stationed at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, I decided that I must go back to Superstitious Mountains, so 3 other soldiers and I, went back looking for the Lost Dutchman Mine. We looked in various places and my soldier friends became bored with the search. Before I knew it, one of my friends was going into the trunk of his car and pulling out bottle rockets. We all decided to break up into teams of 2 and have a bottle rocket war. It was fun, but when one soldier almost got hit by a bottle rocket, we decided to stop. During the time that we were having a bottle rocket war, we heard an ear piercing scream, it sounded like a male human. One of the soldiers claimed he saw a bright blue light descend into a ridge top while we were having our play war. Another soldier was cut along his ankle and claimed it was not an animal, but he saw a metallic rolling device with metallic teeth clamp onto his ankle during the play war. 

I found this far-fetched and hard to believe. I agreed we should stop the play war and pack it in and head back to the base. When we arrived at Fort Huachuca, both soldiers that experienced something extraordinary and out of the norm of reality, claim that their stories were true. What I do know, we all heard the loud scream. One soldier saw a blue light descending towards a ridge and another soldier was injured with a bite that he claims came from a metallic robotic device. 

Why would UFOs be interested in the Superstitious Mountains? Probably because of the possible gold that is hidden in these mountains. It’s funny on how Jacob Waltz claimed he found a mother lode of gold and revealed this on his deathbed in Phoenix in 1891 and no one has found this mother lode. Perhaps if there are extraterrestrial beings at Superstitious Mountains, perhaps the mother lode of gold is gone, because they now have the gold in their possession and that’s why it can’t be found.

Reptilians are said to live in the caverns of Mount Lassen and perhaps reptilians are living in hole that Apaches believe exists on this mountain. A hole that the Apaches believe leads to Hell. It’s odd that a woman named Angie believes she was raped by a Reptilian while visiting this mountain. Here is part of her story:

“With both eyes now open, she watched as several greenish Reptilian men attempted to disrobe her. Her eyes criticized the strange faces carefully. They seemed to be a strange blend of human and serpent. The wide sit eyes almost glowed with a yellowish brightness, with glistening, straight sided, vertical pupils. Their broad flat noses ended in flat nostrils that flared slightly as they snorted while examining here. Some of them had a very wide mouth with many folds of skin, while some had small mouths with no folds.

Angie wondered if the extra folds showed their age. Their small, rounded ears, which were set high on the head, had no lobes. There were three prominent ridges on the top of their cone line heads that resembled large scales. She noticed that the scales were a different color than the skin on the head. More like a khaki green that tapered to gray-green on the back of the head. Their faces were smooth with narrow chins that were pointed rather than rounded.”

You can find the full story here:

Many people have died or disappeared at Superstitious Mountains looking for that lost treasure. According to Wikipedia, some of the notable disappearances and deaths are:

• In the mid-1940s, the headless remains of prospector James A. Cravey were reportedly discovered in the Superstition Mountains. He’d allegedly disappeared after setting out to find the Lost Dutchman’s mine. 
• In his 1945 book about the Lost Dutchman’s mine, Thunder God’s Gold, Barry Storm (pen name of John Griffith Climenson) claimed to have narrowly escaped from a mysterious sniper he dubbed “Mr. X”. Storm further speculated that Adolph Ruth might have been a victim of the same sniper. 
• In late November or early December 2009, Denver, Colorado resident Jesse Capen went missing in the Tonto National Forest. His campsite and car were found abandoned shortly afterward. He was known to have been obsessed with finding the mine for several years and had made previous trips to the area. Capen’s body was found in November 2012 by a local search and rescue organization, wedged into a crevice.
• On July 11, 2010, Utah hikers Curtis Merworth, Ardean Charles, and Malcolm Meeks went missing in the Superstition Mountains looking for the mine. Merworth had become lost in the same area in 2009, requiring a rescue. On July 19, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department called off the search for the lost men. They presumably died in the summer heat. In January 2011, three sets of remains believed to be those of the lost men were recovered.

In August 19, 1985, Michael Faraday and his family were visiting Superstitious Mountains and came upon 3 men. The 3 men were wearing raggedy clothes, cowboy hats and carrying miner picks and shovels. One man approached Michael and asked: “Do you know where it’s at?” Michael didn’t understand the question and asked what did he mean? As Michael and his family watched the 3 men, they just kept walking and seemed to fade away into nothingness. Michael ran to the area where they disappeared and felt a super cold chill in the air. Michael cannot explain on what he saw and he could not explain the sudden cold air on a warm August day. When Michael talks with his family about this incident, he affectionately calls the ghosts The 3 Amigos. GHOSTS IDENTIFIED: SUPERSTITIOUS MOUNTAINS 3 AMIGOS. 

Lawrence Cahill in the Spring of 1992 was visiting the Superstitious Mountains with his girlfriend Emily and both of them heard what sounded like miner picks hitting solid rock. They went to the area where they were hearing the sounds and the sounds stopped and no one was at the rock where the sounds were emanating from. They have no explanation for what they heard. GHOSTS IDENTIFIED: SUPERSTITIOUS MOUNTAINS TOMMY KNOCKERS.

If you ever visit Superstitious Mountains and have an experience there, please let me know. You can make your report at: 916 203 7503.

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Esoteric Detective
aka The Demon Warrior

Halo Paranormal Investigations (HPI International)!/groups/HPIinternational/
Pinterest Account:
Email: [email protected]
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: For Investigation or Advice: 916 203 7503

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Total 2 comments
  • Worth looking into the Knockers, sometimes they pointed out rich ground to the miners, maybe they’re pointing out the whereabouts of the tunnels?

  • raburgeson

    There is supposed to be an cave opening to a city somewhere in those mountains. We can get the drone people to cover that entire range and find it in one day. What do you say drone people, it would be like nothing you have ever tried before.

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