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By muckracker1 (Reporter)
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Open Carry Extreme–It’s Legal [Video,Picture]

Monday, January 4, 2016 13:38
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It takes a lot to shut me up;this did.  Decding which weapon to use would give this erson a migtain.  Not to mention an aching hip.


Hilarious: Open Carry group organizing delegates to carry assault rifles at Texas GOP convention







All we need is a disposable diaper with holsters.  I couldn’ find one; email me if you do.

Open carry is gaining momentum in areas of the country that won’t allow concealed carry permits, or where those permits are so highly restricted as to be all but impossible to obtain. Debates and arguments for and against open carry are fueling increasing concerns and outright alarm on both sides.

Proponents for open carry argue that government officials in certain areas of the country routinely deny issuance of concealed carry permits and generally have an anti-gun or elitist mentality. Proponents argue also that in so doing, the government denies the right of self protection to the individual, which has in turn, helped to spark the growth of open carry as an alternative strategy for self defense.

Opponents argue that open carry creates alarm, unease, and increased threat to both citizens and law enforcement officers. Opponents argue also that open carry increases risk factors, social unrest, and general lawlessness.



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