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America the Evil: Hospitals Dump Patients on Skid Row and Police Steal From the Homeless

Monday, December 26, 2016 11:54
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American Evil: Hospitals Dump Patients On Skid Row & the NAZI Police Steal Sleeping Bags & Blankets from the Homeless



Societies are judged on how they treat their most vulnerable citizens. If that is truly the case, then America is indeed a deplorable society. The following video looks at two examples of societal depravity: (1) dumping patients on skid row for nonpayment of hospital bills, and (2) the police stealing blankets, pillows, tents and jackets from the homeless.

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Total 5 comments
  • That photograph is so sad, SO SAD they are.

    May IAUE help them… and have mercy on us all

  • And the babies, and the animals. We use them all. Abuse and use them, and throw the bodies out. Babies and animals are used in ‘experiments’, got rid of for ‘convenience’, (no love) and thrown out like inconvenient trash… in literal dumpsters… oh, unless their bodies are worth saving and selling to companies to use some more.

    Do you really want to use Revlon, Lancomb, Este Lauder, Cover Girl, etc. etc. etc. (most of them) when they abuse animals in their cosmetic tests? Horrifically? Continually? And also put the bodies of animals, and babies, sometimes, in their products?

    Well, then, if you do, you simply are not human – to me. You are trash, and need to be sent to mars without a return ticket.

  • This is what happens when you let government take over medicine which you SHOULD NEVER do. You should never let government take ever what is NOT in the Constitution.

    The forefathers KNEW the human nature of man very well. After all, it has never changed since Adam & Eve. That is why their powers are limited and ENUMERATED, for your pleasure, in the Constitution. :twisted:

  • Here in Sacramento law enforcement has a special task force responsible for homeless eradication. They first identify homeless camps using every land, air and sea resources available to them. They then send in cops to issue illegal camping citations and a crew of criminals on work project or court ordered community service as their shovel ready labor force. They are backed up by a bobcat that loads a dump truck with all the homeless peoples tents, sleeping bags, food and other supplies.

    If the people at the homeless camps have previous camping violations turned warrants they are rarely arrested but rather they are transported against their will downtown or about twenty eight miles from my area and released without their shoes. This unorthodox method seems to be designed to dissuade the homeless from walking strait back to the community they were just removed from. I have witnessed this tactic being used several times.

    What I find remarkable is the fact that the law hasn’t changed in regard stealing. Taking another persons property without permission, due process or fair compensation according to current law is still criminal action that constitutes theft. Let me highlight the fact that this particular statute does not require a plaintiff to own, rent or even live in any type of dwelling as a stipulation of their personal property ownership. An indigent’s backpack is considered their home and searches of it require a standard search warrant. They are intentionally violating the homeless people’s legal rights knowing they could never afford an attorney, and few being in their present circumstance I like to call “Suspended Social Animation” are capable of participating in scheduled court cases.

    During daylight hours when the homeless are not customarily camping the police routinely evict the homeless from “public parks” where the tiring “keep moving ordinances” do not apply. The law does not preclude the poor from enjoying publicly owned land in the same fashion as those of a higher social status. The only obstruction to the homeless exercising their God given and constitutional rights is the cops enforcing rouge government policy. Discriminatory policy that literally defies the protections guaranteed by the supreme law of the land, the United States Constitution.

    By unlawful ordinance and relentless intimidation local authorities restrict homeless advocates from feeding, providing toiletries and portable shelter to those in need. A lot of really good hearted folks are afraid to jump in and help fearing police harassment, citations and possible arrest. The governing authority ridiculously contends that feeding the homeless is like feeding stray animals, once you feed them they just will not go away! I have personally been accused by the Sacramento County Sheriff deputy in charge of the county’s inhumane program of creating the homeless problem through my empathy for them. Comically I was accused of being an enabler for feeding hungry people!

    The hunt for these homeless folks has become quite a sport for law enforcement. Even school police leave school campuses to join the fun, to search neighborhoods and known homeless hangouts looking for their piece of the action. Twin River Police Department was ultimately stopped by the district attorneys special investigators unit from continuing their illegal community policing, or harassment of the homeless as us normal Christian folks like to call it. One of these badge wearing criminal perpetrators, the infamous Officer Smith was arrested for his misbehavior, however this hardly put a dent in the problem as the entire department was involved.

    When transporting a homeless man who I was attempting to reunite with family I was caught up in one of their unauthorized sweeps. I immediately after my release filed a complaint. That civil minded vocalism resulted in several months of being followed around and harassed. Fortunately my means of transportation was a motorcycle. I was able to put distance between us using lane splitting, cutting through fields or whatever else I could in order to avoid being pulled over. I had committed not a single crime but being unreasonably detained and having my brand new Harley impounded wasn’t something I was looking forward to.

    From working with the homeless I became acquainted with the heads of security in nearly every strip mall in my area. I would help them with uncontrolables who because of my relationship with them often responded to me when security’s presence agitated the situation or hindered resolution. Strip malls is where a lot of panhandlers make their menial living. My relationship with these private security companies saved me on more occasions than I care to count. What most fail to understand is that these strip malls are private property. Unless a sign is posted, a formal complaint is issued, usually by the private security contractor, or an actual crime is being committed the cops have no legal jurisdiction.

    The cat and mouse game between Twin River Police and I went on for several months until early one morning I noticed one of their squad cars parked at the far east side of my property. When I approached the car tapping on the passenger side window the ranking officer sitting in the vehicle responded by rolling down the window. When asked what he thought he was doing he snidely replied he was staking out a “methhouse.” As the words left his lips he turned and focused his eyes towards my property. When reminded of the agreement made with the watch commander in order for me to drop a formal complaint he responsively rolled up the window then angrily drove off.

    The following day I spoke with Sacramento DA’s special investigator and a bit later to a close friend at the Department of Justice in NY about this injustice. My complaint an others throughout the community resulted in a thourough investigation. At the end of which Officer Smith was justly arrested, other officers were reprimanded, retrained and the chief was forcibly replaced.

    Sadly within all the other policing agencies here in Sacramento nothing has improved. In fact the problem has gotten far worse over the past few years. It is now a crime in America to be down and out! It will not be long before the corporate Government starts legislating laws that will effectively incarcerate the nation’s poor for the criminal offense of being jobless, broke and without a place to call home. Empathy is truly a dying human trait, while hate and unfair judgement continues to flourish here in Satan’s world.

    A Student of the Word

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