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FBI May Be Hacking Your Computer

Saturday, January 14, 2017 6:44
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(Before It's News)

A provision has given jurisdiction for the FBI and other governmental Intelligence agencies to hack into your computer. Rule 41 is an extension allowing the Agency access to your computer if it determines violations.

You will be surprised what constitutes those violations. What you post, type, or search may be considered a flagged subject. And if you happen to attract a Botnet malware infection, your computer may be considered a threat to national security, which makes you a target of the FBI and other Agencies.

My podcast explains the details on Rule 41, and amendments to the NDAA that give Officials the right to question your material as propaganda. Whatever goes against the Official Narrative is considered propaganda by their Ministry of Truth. A bit of a twist of definition, wouldn’t you say?

Hear my podcast that explains this in greater detail.

Visit my website for more information like this.

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