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The CIA vs. President Trump

Saturday, January 21, 2017 8:28
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The CIA has been entrenched for 70 years. It is bigger and more powerful than any one President. They have murdered a President, and they have forced another one from office. Right now, the CIA has all eyes on the new POTUS. What can the people expect? What can Trump expect? What will the CIA do?

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Total 8 comments
  • Your FAILURE RATE is pretty high, in FACT perfect, so maybe you shouldn’t be the one telling US this, huh??? :lol:

    But Trump did pray twice and asked for divine help. So maybe he does know the “shadow” government is a loose cannon that needs to be TIED down.

  • Please no vids. I am stupid. I can only read. TBBP. DGIT.

    • I’ll second that, Billy P, nothing twisted.

  • Perhaps a little off the point, but don’t you think someome outa tell Jason A to stop selling that BIN banner ad of “Obama will not finish his secomd term” book? Because, clearly, he did. Besides, I’m sure William Tapley would be relieved with the ads no longer using his identity (well, picture, anywatys).
    Frankly, it also tells me all I need to know about BIN that they’re still running the ad without any concerns..
    I just can’t wait to see what outrageous banner they replace it with. NOT.

  • I read articles that say President Donald Trump’s first order of business on Monday is to visit the CIA.

    Let’s hope he’s going over to tell them:


    Trump has God, Blackwater, The U.S. military, and the majority of American people behind him.

    The CIA may have been ‘All That’ in the past.

    But, I really don’t see them coming up against the true and living God and surviving for very long.

  • Wake the hell up, Skull & Boneheads of Virgin MARYland. Trump went to Fordham = IHS=Society of Jesus=JESUITS
    The CIA = Catholic Infiltration Agents……..killed JFK because he swore to USA not the Vatican…..

    Coming soon >>> ” Lets stop this “Islamic State” (of mind) once & 4 all yo! We need BOOTS on the GROUND”

    Then their “Biblical Prophecy” of Damascus destroyed eventuates……& the Pope walks in with his “CORPUS SEPERATUM”……like the autonomous Vatican State, State of Israel…..Jerusalem becomes an “International Zone”

    :shock: @ ” David ROSEN” = Jesuit Rabbi…..the man smoothing this over

    :shock: @ ” 1947 UN Meeting + Security Council” = ……its the “HOLY” land…..

    Its all BIBLICAL, pity u lot live in the Bible Belt (BELTED around the Head with a heavy KJV) and have had the fear of God ( Wrath of the Lamb??? :mrgreen: ) programmed into you……..Trump is attacking the CIA so it looks as if he is in opposition…….
    Short Memory Virgin-ian Mary-landers……shame…..Where were those WMDs that Baby “Burning” BUSH said were in Iraq to start IRAQ 2 war????…….from CIA “Intelligence” . The lot should be sacked, and if Cardinal PELL is NOT brought back to Aussie to face Royal Commission into CHILD SEX ABUSE……the Lone Wolf will rise/awaken

  • The CIA is no better or no worse than the rest of America.

    There are some evil scum bags that definitely deserve to hang, and there are some true patriots in the CIA that need your support.

    Not every American is like Hilary Clinton, and not every spook is into gun running, drug running, treason for profit, and child and organ trafficking.

    The good guys in spookville were the downfall of Hillary and the New World Order.

    The good spooks and the good guys in the military know exactly what is going on, and who is who.
    A day of reckoning is quickly coming.

    Trump will be given a list of who in the CIA needs to go, and who needs to be promoted into CIA management. Trump is going to be a busy boy for quite some time fixing all the many problems.

    But fix them he will, so just be patient and enjoy……………

  • Why does it need to be “vs”?
    If the board of directors vote to hire a new manager to come in and fix all the departments that are ineffective in a corporation, and the manager does indeed come in and analyze a department and put into place measures to make things better, is that “employees vs manager?

    We , the board of directors of USA Inc hired Manager Trump to fix things, and the first department he chose is the CIA. Perhaps the employees of the CIA have been waiting for someone to come in and weed out the problems and make their work force situation better.
    We don’t know that most in the CIA reject change.
    Perhaps this will be a situation in which Obama had shit screwed up so bad that the CIA at large is glad to see some change.
    To assume that it is a “vs” situation rather than a “and” situation is thoughtless.

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